Green, from fear to love
我在維基百科查詢綠色,基本資訊如下:光的三原色之一,可經由藍色和黃色混和而成。和綠色相對的顏色是 Magenta,而非傳統認為的紅色。綠色是一種中性色,既是暖色也是冷色。短短幾行字,說出攝影與後製上的完全要點。同時,也是我早期害怕綠色的原因。是的,還在幾年前,我是非常害怕綠色的。
I looked up "green" on Wikipedia, and here are the basics: it's one of the three primary colors of light, formed by mixing blue and yellow. Its complementary color is magenta, not the traditional red. Green is a neutral color, both warm and cool. In just a few lines, it encapsulates the essence of photography and post-processing. It also reflects why I used to fear green so much. Yes, just a few years ago, I was genuinely afraid of green.
The driving force behind becoming a photographer
Receiving email replies asking about how I drive myself to become a photographer? I never even thought about becoming a photographer when I started taking photos; it was just for fun, a way to perk up from the daily grind of being a housewife, with no other intentions. Now, with job introductions, most refer to me as a photographer. Simply because photography brings in income, I'm expected to carry the title of "professional," which can be a bit embarrassing. But everything has a beginning, so let me start from the beginning.
The original intention of 'The Morning Notes' series
想增加影像如此單純之價值,得從拍照的慾望開始,此為源頭。The Morning Notes 緣此,盼以此欄對攝影多加描述,因此從電子信中有抽離出來,單獨成體。
Throughout the journey of photography, there have been various bottlenecks at different stages. In the early days, I was trapped by the misconception of equipment grades. In the middle phase, I worried about the personal image style and the maturity of the subjects. In the later stages, there was a struggle between idealism and reality. Towards the end of 2022, fatigue set in. I couldn't capture anything new, and it even affected my attitude towards my own self-worth. Not to mention the current situation, where everyone competes as photographers, and social media is flooded with a plethora of images.
At this juncture, I aimed to focus on capturing images that I personally love and that can also touch others.
To enhance the value of images in such simplicity, it must start from the desire to take photos; this is the source. "The Morning Notes" originated from this idea, hoping to provide more descriptions of photography through this column. Hence, it was separated from the newsletter and formed independently.