Munich - Juliet Rose Bar

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Juliet Rose Bar Munich - Olympus EM1Markii2512 - Yes! Please Enjoy by Fanning Tseng-3.jpg


Juliet Rose Bar位在慕尼黑Haidhausen熱鬧街區上,是在2018年暑假開幕的複合式餐飲空間。早上是咖啡館,也可以享用早餐;到了中午便是附近上班族用餐的時髦地點;晚上則搖身一變成為富有情調的餐館;入夜後,Juliet Rose是城裡最有格調的酒吧。這種複合式經營手法越來越受到幕城大眾喜愛,任何時段都呈現出不同個性,張開雙手歡迎來客。對經營者來說,也是種讓據點熱熱鬧鬧、保持話題的宣傳手法呢。

聽到訪過的朋友形容,夜裡酒吧的氣氛很好,值得一訪。不過身為晨型人,到訪酒吧的時刻通常已經換上睡衣,所以決定跟朋友試試中餐。Juliet Rose Bar位在Hilton Munich City旅館旁,搭了地鐵前往;在地鐵出口有直達通道進入餐廳,很方便。


From restaurants, bars or cafés in a city, you can often sense the taste and lifestyle of residents. It is also why we always like to walk into stores where show a unique style and charm. We hope to experience the local character that can't feel in travel books.

Located on the lively neighborhood of Haidhausen in Munich, Juliet Rose Bar is a compound dining space opened in the summer of 2018. In the morning, it is a coffee shop, and you can enjoy breakfast. At noon, it is a popular lunch spot for people in the vicinity. In the evening, it turns into an atmospheric restaurant. A little later, Juliet Rose Bar is the most stylish bar in town. This kind of mixed business system is more and more popular among the public. It presents different characters at any time and welcomes guests with open hands. For the operators, it is also a kind of promotion for making topics.

A friend who has been to the bar described the atmosphere of the bar at night is good; worth visiting. However, I am a morning person; the bar time is too late. I decided to try lunch in Juliet Rose Bar with my friends. The Bar is located next to the Hilton Munich City. There is direct access to the restaurant at the exit of the metro, which is very convenient.

The interior design is dominated by dark colors, with gold lighting and detailing for the finishing touch. The bar is in the center of the restaurant, and the other spaces are planned into four areas. The two seating areas facing the street look most elegant and comfortable through the light. The golden sunlight provides a warm visual feeling in the winter.

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Tea, Signature Blend

Tea, Signature Blend

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House-Made Grapefruit-Schorle

House-Made Grapefruit-Schorle

Purple Potato, Frisee, Green Beans, Pickled Onion, Artichoke

Purple Potato, Frisee, Green Beans, Pickled Onion, Artichoke

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Okonomiyaki Egg, Cabbage, Horseradish, Nori, Roasted Onion

Okonomiyaki Egg, Cabbage, Horseradish, Nori, Roasted Onion

Wagyu, Brioche, Herbs, Misonaise, Club-Fries

Wagyu, Brioche, Herbs, Misonaise, Club-Fries

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Juliet Rose Bar Munich - Samsung Galaxy Note9 - Yes! Please Enjoy by Fanning Tseng-19.jpg

Juliet Rose Bar以玫瑰為品牌主軸,不只是視覺上的顏色與圖騰,或是嗅覺上的香芬,更進一步投射在菜單設計上,落實「從根到果實」from root to fruit的全食物精神。所有食材都以巴伐利亞當地農民作物為主、跟著時令設計菜單。另外也與巴伐利亞的茶商以及咖啡品牌合作推出自己的茶品與咖啡豆。而巴伐利亞知名的有機麵包坊Hofpfisterei更是頭一回與餐廳合作,供應當天新鮮出爐的麵包給Juliet Rose Bar(點餐時,服務生一副與有榮焉的神情跟我們說的。)



The Juliet Rose Bar is designed with the rose in mind. Not only in visual but also in the sense of smell. Further, they implement the whole food spirit of “from root to fruit” on the menu. Most ingredients are sourced from Local Bavarian farmers; moreover, following the seasons to change the menu. Additionally, Juliet Rose Bar partners with a tea merchant and barista to launch their Signature Blend tea and espresso beans. Still, Juliet Rose Bar cooperates with Hofpfisterei, a well-known organic bakery in Bavaria. Hofpfisterei supplies freshly baked bread for Juliet Rose Bar; it is also the first time that Hofpfisterei has offered cooperation with others. (when ordering our lunch, the waiter told us proudly.)

We were three people in a row for lunch; each has differently preferred food. We wanted to order three dishes and share them. I ordered the purple potato salad, the male friend ordered the burger, and the third plate was the Japanese pancake which was under the recommendation of the waiter: "The pancake tastes interesting. It is my favorite dish."

The potato looked like the pan-fried fish fillet, which caused appetite. The potato skin was fried and crispy. After a bite, the potato tasted smooth as the butter; it was a very satisfying flavor. However, if the green beans and salad leaves can be a little more (in exchange for reducing the amount of potatoes), it would be a perfect dish for me. The size of the hamburger was big, and the height of the stacking layers made it a challenge to eat elegantly. The schnitzel was juicy; I tasted the sweet flavor of the ground meat. You can get a better original taste of the hamburger without adding any sauce. The Japanese-style pancake introduced by the waiter became the most popular dish among all the dishes. The taste was good, and the sauce was also delicious. And I even dipped (cleaned) the crumbs and sauce scattered on the plate with the bread.

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Juliet Rose Bar Munich - Olympus EM1Markii2512 - Yes! Please Enjoy by Fanning Tseng-23.jpg
Eatshare, Weekend Brunch Menu

Eatshare, Weekend Brunch Menu

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Juliet Rose Bar Munich - Olympus EM1Markii2512 - Yes! Please Enjoy by Fanning Tseng-28.jpg
Juliet Rose Bar Munich - Olympus EM1Markii2512 - Yes! Please Enjoy by Fanning Tseng-31.jpg

不難想像,以視覺欣賞為出發的我很喜愛Juliet Rose Bar的整體表現,加上菜色口味也表現不俗,回到家後我大大地向另一半與女兒描述了中午用餐的過程:茶很好喝,漢堡也不賴;而且你知道嗎?他們提供Hofpfisterei的麵包呢。」我對另一半加強了最後一句話的語氣,他是Hofpfisterei烘焙坊忠實的消費者(其實我們一家都是)。於是,是週週末一早,我們一家三口驅車前往Juliet Rose Bar,打算品嚐他們剛剛推出的Brunch套餐。


麵包籃裡裝得滿滿的都是Hofpfisterei的麵包,有四五種不同選擇。另一半和女兒從最喜愛的鄉村麵包開始,另一半配著濃郁的班乃迪克蛋、女兒則放上煎的酥脆的培根大口咬下。班乃迪克蛋一入口,另一半馬上把盤子推到我面前:「你得嚐嚐,味道濃郁卻不油膩,以歐式麵包取代鬆餅的作法的確更好吃。」Juliet Rose Bar的作法是先將歐式麵包烤過,再放在班乃迪克蛋下方取代傳統鬆餅的組合。中性口感的歐式麵剛好接著班乃迪克蛋的濃郁滋味,調整了味覺上的平衡,才能讓人一口接一口吃到最後一滴醬都不膩口。

早午餐與中餐都嚐過之後,我覺得Juliet Rose Bar的Brunch套餐更能完整呈現「從根到果實」from root to fruit的全食物精神。從麵包、優格、起司一直到最後加點的果醬,都可以嚐出新鮮、天然的製作手法。尤其是手工做的果醬,滿滿都是負盆子的果籽,彷彿吞下了一把把剛從草叢中撿下的新鮮果粒。

They offer a tremendous amount of Brunch. The waiter recommended us to order two sets and share. If there is a favorite item on the menu, then we could order a single serving. My daughter loves Brunch so that we let her order. After all the dishes were served, plus the juice, bread basket, coffee and tea, the table was full. Unwitting people might think that we must be a food monster family.

The bread basket is full of four or five different options. The other half and my daughter started with their favorite bread, Sauerteigbrot. The other half had a rich Benedict egg plate, and my daughter ordered fried crispy bacon. When the other half tasted the eggs, immediately pushed the plate to me: "You have to try it, it is full of flavor but not greasy. It is better to replace the muffins with the bread." They, the cooker toasted the bread, and then replaced the regular muffin under the Benedict egg. The neutral taste of the bread matched the rich flavor of the Benedict eggs. It adjusted the balance of the flavor.

After tasting two meals in Juliet Rose Bar, I was delighted. I think that Juliet Rose Bar's Brunch menu can fully present the whole food spirit from root to fruit. From the bread, yogurt, cheese to the jam, you can taste the fresh and natural taste. Especially the hand-made jam, full of fruit seeds, seems to have swallowed fresh fruits that have just fallen from the tree.

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Rosenheimer Str. 15, 81667 Munich

這頓Brunch我們一家足足坐了將近三個小時,就連在吃食上頗為挑嘴的女兒都對套餐裡的單品讚不絕口。「這樣出來吃吃早餐,不用自己準備,只要好好享受也挺好的,不是嗎?」我知道Juliet Rose Bar不只讓我喜歡,也擄獲了另外兩口的心。週末外出吃早餐?要,我跟!

We have been enjoyed the meal for almost three hours. Even my daughter who is quite picky at dining gave good praise. "Isn't it good that going out for breakfast like this?" My the other half asked. Juliet Rose Bar not only made me but also the other two of my family fall in love with it. Going out for breakfast on the weekend? Yes, I am in!

All interior and Flatlay images are taken with Samsung Galaxy Note 9. The dining images are taken with Olympus EM1 Markii 2512. This post was written in cooperation with Olympus and Samsung.


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