NEOM Scent To Sleep

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Scent To Sleep




不久前開始使用NEOM的療癒香芬機,在一組四罐的精油中,最令我喜愛的除了皇家奢華精油Scent to De-Stress EO Blend的配方外,就是舒緩恬睡精油Scent to Sleep EO Blend的香味設計。在睡前一小時開啟香芬機,時間到了自動關閉電源,睡房裡充滿氣定神閒的氣息;同時也可當成空氣保濕器使用,讓長久以來在冬日裡總是鼻腔乾燥的另一半更感舒適。


There are some great things that you can't help falling in love with. The first time I used the NEOM Scent to sleep collection, I immediately became fascinated; it made me fall in love with myself.

There are several important keys to maintaining both physical and mental health: a balanced diet, a regular lifestyle, exercise, and good quality sleep. Dining, lifestyle, and exercising can all be carried out under one's will. Only the quality of sleep is beyond our control. Our brains don't have switches; they can't be turned off and on. Many people (including me) have the experience that hard to fall asleep right away, or often dreaming and easily wake up.

Since starting my regular exercise more than a year ago, I have greatly improved the situation that I could not fall asleep easily. But do you know? Sleeping should be like anything else in life that is a "process that can be enjoyed." In these few hours, not only does the body have a necessary rest, but it is also a time for the mind to feel the energy that is refreshing after energizing.

Not long ago, I start using NEOM's Wellbeing Pod-Essential Oil Diffuser. Among the four essential oils, my favorite addition to the Scent to De-Stress EO Blend is the Scent to Sleep EO Blend. I turn on the Wellbeing Pod-Essential Oil Diffuser one hour before going to bed; it turns off automatically after the time is up. Our sleeping room is filled with a calm atmosphere. At the same time, the Wellbeing Pod-Essential Oil Diffuser can also be used as an air moisturizer. It makes my other half who has always a dry nose problem in the winter more comfortable.

The Scent To Sleep Range offers different products. You can choose the right products according to your lifestyle and let yourself relax after an exhausting day. Sleeping time can also be a unique enjoyment.

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NEOM 舒緩恬睡卸妝霜

Perfect Night's Sleep Cleansing Balm & Cloth







Perfect Night's Sleep Cleansing Balm & Cloth

After using this perfect Night's Sleep Cleansing Balm for the first time, I immediately ordered a second bottle as a backup; thus, you can imagine its charming.

Apply the cleanser to dry skin, massage gently with fingertips to lift daily grime and makeup from the skin and stimulate circulation. And then, remove with the warm damp cleansing cloth. When you gently remove the Cleansing Balm with the moist and warm cleansing cloth, it is the most relaxing and enjoyable moment in the whole process.

After cleaning, you can definitely feel different from experience. The Almond Oil, Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter in the ingredients keep skin moisturized. The ingredients of the cleansing balm also contain white rice powder, which exfoliates and helps blood circulation. After about a week of use, the small acne on my forehead and chin is reduced, and the skin is smooth and tender.

The most favorite point is the unique fragrance that calms the mood. My other half is sensitive to the sense of smell; I suggested that he also try this cleansing balm. He told me after using: the scent of lavender is elegant, very comfortable. I read the ingredient description and it contains British lavender. Moreover, in NEOM's great formula, the fragrance of Scent To Sleep is richer in different layers. It has not only the lavender fragrance but also a relaxed and comforting design with a neutral woody atmosphere.

Unload the tiredness of the day with a relaxing process and slowly start the night.

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NEOM 舒緩恬睡極致美肌香氛蠟燭

Tranquillity Intensive Skin Treatment Candle





Tranquillity Intensive Skin Treatment Candle

I have heard this beauty fragrance candle before, but I have had a chance to try it until now. Before use, I worried about whether the wax would be too hot to hurt my skin. I read the instruction; it says, ignite the candle for 30 minutes, turn off the candle and let it stand for two minutes to cool down the wax. Afterward, you can pour the wax on your palm and apply it to the skin you wish to moisturize.

I ignite the candle before I clean my face and then go shower. After the shower, I do my regular body care routine, and then pour the melted wax on the palm (in fact, it is not too hot to touch), and then apply it to different skin parts that I wish to moisturize, chest, shoulders, elbow, and legs. Especially the back shoulder and legs, I intentionally give a massage to soothe the muscle that caused by exercise.

Applying the warm wax oil on the body is pleased. Through massage movements, the aroma in the oil spreads out, and the subtle smell is suitable for savoring and getting closer to the night.

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NEOM 舒緩恬睡泡泡浴

Perfect Night's Sleep Bath Foam




Perfect Night's Sleep Bath Foam

What I like most about this Scent To Sleep Range is the subtle but long-lasting fragrance formula. The scent is mild, allowing people to breathe deeply and calm emotions. If you apply some Scent To Sleep Range products onto your skin, you can still smell the soothing aroma some hours later through movements. It is the most brilliant design.

I sometimes like to take a hot bath on weekends especially when it is cold. Close my eyes in a warm, gentle bubble bath, focus on the breathing and relax my mind. During the weekdays, I take the Perfect Night's Sleep Bath Foam as the shower gel and pour it on the bath ball. It also provides a similar effect of smoothing the mood.

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NEOM 舒緩恬睡美膚精露

Perfect Night's Sleep Face Oil




Perfect Night's Sleep Face Oil

My experience is that the Perfect Night's Sleep Face Oil will always let you want to touch your face and feel the soft skin. After the shower, before my body care routine, I do my face care routine firstly; toner, essence lotion, eye cream, and then night cream. However, since receiving the Perfect Night's Sleep Face Oil, I replaced the night cream with it. After several times using, I can not help but always like to touch my skin that slowly getting smooth.

The quality of the Perfect Night's Sleep Face Oil is pure; it can be absorbed by skin immediately after applying with hands. It is a dry oil formula. After waking up in the morning, I rub my hands to make them warm, then gently massage my face for some minutes. I can still smell the scent of the Face Oil from last night. It’s a blessing to end the day in such an elegant way and wake up to start the day pleasantly.

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NEOM 舒緩恬睡枕頭噴霧

Perfect Night's Sleep Pillow Mist




Perfect Night's Sleep Pillow Mist

The Perfect Night's Sleep Pillow Mist is a good thing that makes my other half fascinated. He is sensitive to scents, but when I spray the Pillow Mist on my pillow, he also wanted to try: "It's a luxurious fragrance," he said. Two days ago, when I tried the Tranquillity Intensive Skin Treatment Candle, I also did a shoulder and neck massage for him. I poured a little amount of wax oil in my palm, and then applied the oil on his shoulders. The relaxing massage made him almost fell asleep and did not want to get up.

The next morning, I asked him how he felt after I had sprayed the Pillow Mist for him. "I saw you sprayed the mist directly on the pillows. At first, I was worried that the smell would be too strong. I didn't expect that it was smooth. I had a good sleep." When I read the instruction: spray the mist directly onto the bedding, I had the same worry. However, because the essential oil has a good quality and delighted formula, to breathe in a close distance is comfortable. Moreover, I occasionally use the pillow mist as perfume.

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從第一次接觸NEOM就很喜歡品牌精純的質地,這質感是很直接可以透過呼吸就輕易感受的。這次因為舒緩恬睡系列好好研究了NEOM的官方網頁,才找到了品牌讓人著迷的核心:同樣身為母親的品牌創辦人Nicola Elliott以感同身受的經驗設定品牌方向,讓忙碌奔波於職場與家庭間的女子們都可以擁有良好的「自我時光」;我的確深刻地感受到了。


From the first time using NEOM's products, I like the sense of it, which is obvious to feel through breathing. This time, because of the Scent To Sleep Range, I viewed NEOM's official website again and found the core spirit : Nicola Elliott, the founder of NEOM who is also a mother. She founded the brand with her experience of understanding as a woman. The concept is to let women who are turning around between career and family can easily enjoy a good "ME time"; I do feel it deeply.

The Scent To Sleep Range creates more than just a good sleep quality. It hopes to let customers step into a time of enjoyment through scent ceremonies. Further, improve the understanding and feeling of oneself and build a complete sense of life. It is a worth sharing collection. Let us start a joyful lifestyle from a good sleep.

This post was written in cooperation with 10/10 HOPE for NEOM. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.

Shooting location, Cortiina Munich.


Munich - Juliet Rose Bar


NEOM Multi Mineral Bath Salts