PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Munich - Juliet Rose Bar

這頓Brunch我們一家足足坐了將近三個小時,就連在吃食上頗為挑嘴的女兒都對套餐裡的單品讚不絕口。「這樣出來吃吃早餐,不用自己準備,只要好好享受也挺好的,不是嗎?」我知道Juliet Rose Bar不只讓我喜歡,也擄獲了另外兩口的心。週末外出吃早餐?要,我跟!

We have been enjoyed the meal for almost three hours. Even my daughter who is quite picky at dining gave good praise. "Isn't it good that going out for breakfast like this?" My the other half asked. Juliet Rose Bar not only made me but also the other two of my family fall in love with it. Going out for breakfast on the weekend? Yes, I am in!

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PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Munich - Bar Centrale

到慕尼黑,不管任何時段都請到Bar Centrale來坐坐,順便品嚐他們迷你版的提拉米蘇。「裝在濃縮咖啡杯裡,只濃你口,小小的份量絕不會肥了你的肚呢!」可愛的吧台先生笑著這麼跟我說的。

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PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Taipei - KiOSK


I appreciate Phil's professionalism and his enthusiasm for work. It is the best attitude of an artist.

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