文章分享我如何在家裡自己掃描底片並後製的方法,以及應用的器材與軟體;同時介紹 #7PhotoCollection2025 企劃的拍攝細節。
Best 30 of #7PhotoCollection 2024 Part Ⅱ
As #7PhotoCollection enters the second half of 2024, this photography project has been running for a full year. My first thought is, "Time flies!" The most noticeable benefit has been the gradual accumulation of a rich collection of images over time. I believe these photos couldn’t have been captured deliberately—they came from walking more and shooting slowly, letting moments unfold naturally.
BEst 30 of #7PhotoCollection 2024 Part Ⅰ
After nearly six months of continuous shooting in 2023, I’ve developed a deeper appreciation for this approach to observing life and capturing moments spontaneously. Unlike rushing to produce quick results, it has taught me the joy and fulfillment of spending time on what I love and slowly building something meaningful.
Best 30 of #7PhotoCollection 2023
Seven-Photo Collection 為自發攝影提案,開始於2023年7月11日。每週拍七張照片,一年累續365張。不單純拍攝,並且以每六個月為單位,每周期都有一個簡單的拍攝規範。自2023年7月11日至2023年12月31日的規範為「只能用手機拍」,此階段使用的手機型號為iPhone 12 Pro Max。希望藉此提高拍照機會與手感,提高觀察能力,同時累積作品。如你想加入一起拍,歡迎在社群標注 #7photocollection 共賞。
The Seven-Photo Collection is a self-initiated photography project that began on July 11, 2023. Each week, seven photos are taken, adding up to 365 photos over a year. This isn’t just about capturing images; each six-month period comes with a simple guideline to follow. From July 11, 2023, to December 31, 2023, the rule is “only use a smartphone,” with the iPhone 12 Pro Max as the chosen device for this phase. The goal is to increase shooting opportunities, sharpen observation skills, and build a body of work. If you'd like to join and capture your own weekly photos, feel free to tag #7photocollection on social media so we can enjoy them together.