Best 30 of #7PhotoCollection 2023


見社群上許多攝影愛好者挑戰 #365xxx 拍攝,一直都想試試,於是在2023年七月中在外地旅行的一天,就這麼栽了進去。不僅拍攝,我還給自己以每六個月為週期,定了簡單的規範;2023下半年「只能以手機拍」。過去因為工作關係,有兩年時間密集以手機拍照,累積了些手感,而且現在手機的拍照功能比舊年更為強大,因此拍來挺順手。

手機攝影的好處是輕便,可以捕捉任何想記錄的時刻。以iPhone 12 Pro Max來說,最常用來拍攝的焦段為65mm,其次為23mm。拍攝時以Apple Raw拍,可以增加後製時影像細緻的寬容度。


I’ve often seen photography enthusiasts on social media taking on #365xxx challenges, and I’ve always wanted to give it a try. One day during a trip in mid-July 2023, I decided to dive in. But instead of just shooting randomly, I set a simple rule for myself: divide the project into six-month phases, each with its own guideline. For the second half of 2023, the rule was “only shoot with a smartphone.”

Thanks to my previous work, I had two years of experience shooting intensively with a smartphone, which gave me a solid foundation. Now that smartphone cameras have become even more advanced, I found it quite intuitive to use. The convenience of mobile photography is undeniable—its portability allows you to capture any moment you want to preserve. Using the iPhone 12 Pro Max, I primarily shot with the 65mm focal length, followed by the 23mm. Shooting in Apple ProRAW format offered greater flexibility in post-processing, allowing for finer image detail.

When I started this project, I didn’t think too much about how long it would last or what it would lead to. Looking back at the photos now, I’m amazed that I can recall each moment I pressed the shutter—the surroundings, the emotions that moved me, and the stories behind them. Some of these images may even be featured in the 2024 SKM Photography Exhibition.

However, the most fulfilling part of this journey has been the steady rhythm of taking photos week by week, watching the collection grow. It’s also made me truly appreciate the advancements in smartphone photography. Many veteran photographers emphasize that the most important tool is not the camera but the photographer’s eye for observation. I couldn’t agree more.

此攝影集影像以Urban Lifestyle Preset後製,如你也喜歡,請參考並購買這一套十組的風格濾鏡,除了可以增添你拍攝影像的故事性,同時支持我的創作,謝謝。

The images in this photo collection were edited using the Urban Lifestyle Preset. If you like the look, feel free to check out and purchase this set of ten unique style presets. Not only can they add a storytelling element to your photos, but your support also helps fuel my creative work. Thank you!


Seven-Photo Collection 為自發攝影提案,開始於2023年7月11日。每週拍七張照片,一年累積365張。不單純拍攝,並且以每六個月為單位,每周期都有一個簡單的拍攝規範。自2023年7月11日至12月31日這六個月的規範為「只能用手機拍」,此階段使用的手機型號為iPhone 12 Pro Max。希望藉此提高拍照機會與手感,培養觀察能力,同時累積作品。點擊上方單張照片瀏覽我最喜歡的三十張影像。如你想加入一起拍,歡迎在社群標注 #7photocollection 共賞。

The Seven-Photo Collection is a self-initiated photography project that began on July 11, 2023. The idea is to take seven photos every week, accumulating a total of 365 photos over a year. This is not merely about taking pictures; the project is organized into six-month phases, each with a simple shooting guideline. From July 11, 2023, to December 31, 2023, the rule is “photos must be taken exclusively with a smartphone,” specifically using an iPhone 12 Pro Max during this period. The goal is to increase opportunities to practice photography, refine shooting techniques, enhance observation skills, and build a portfolio of work. Click on any photo to browse my favorite 30 Photos. If you'd like to join in, feel free to tag your photos with #7photocollection on social media so we can appreciate them together.


The original intention of 'The Morning Notes' series