Taipei - Plants Eatery


一年一次台灣行所接收到的資訊已經跟不上快速發展的台北市,尤其是那些精彩的小巷弄文化。在朋友帶領下我們來到復興南路一段,位在巷口的Plants Eatery。這是家以全植物(plant-based)、無麩質(gluten-free)、全食物(whole foods)做為感動力出發的小餐館。印象中許多素食餐廳為了增加口感與美味度添加很多不必要的調味料;而Plants Eatery的訴求不只健康,也提供有特殊飲食需求者多一個選擇之外,同時注重健康蔬食料理的美味度。因為,「會不會因為講求健康的關係所以不好吃呢?」幾乎是每個消費者心中的顧慮。

Taipei has developed so fast that I obviously could not catch up with all the new development by visiting this city only once a year. During our trip to Taipei this time, I was lucky to follow my local friend and discovered the restaurant, Plants Eatery. The dishes served to customers are plant-based, gluten-free and whole foods. Many vegetarian restaurants add a lot of unnecessary seasonings to enhance the flavor of the meals. Plants Eatery offers healthy dishes to people who have special dietary needs as well as customers who would love to enjoy delicious cuisine.

Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-16.jpg
Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-15.jpg
Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-13.jpg

Plants Eatery

+886 2 2784 5677

帶領我們過來的朋友就住在附近,每個週末上完瑜伽課順道來Plants Eatery吃早午餐。其實他並不是全素食飲食者,但是在這些年對「吃」更著更講究的態度。當初知道這家以在地小農蔬食作為料理食材的餐館開幕後已經興致沖沖過來嚐鮮,並且很滿意,逢人便推薦。「這家餐廳的料理手法會顛覆你對素食與健康料理的刻板印象。」約定時間時,朋友在簡訊中這麼寫著。果然挑起我的好奇心。我們刻意來得比享用正餐的客群早些,打算先點茶、咖啡坐下來敘舊。店門前的盆栽抖擻地挺著胸膛歡迎上門的食客,綠昂昂的氛圍洗淨了台北都市氣象;清新舒暢不造作是我對Plants Eatery的第一印象。

Our friend lives near the restaurant and always enjoys brunch at Plants Eatery after the yoga class on weekends. In fact, he is not a vegetarian, but he has been more concerned about what he eats in the past few years. When he heard about Plants Eatery a few months ago, he could not wait but be one of the first customers to visit. ‘The restaurant’s cuisine will change your impression about vegetarian and healthy meals.’ When we managed to meet, he wrote me this message and that made me more curious about this restaurant. On that day, we arrived at the restaurant earlier than other customers. We would like to enjoy a few cups of tea and coffee since we had not met each other for a long time. The potted plants in front of the restaurant welcome the customers when they enter the restaurant. The green atmosphere makes Taipei’s sky brighter. My first impression of Plants Eatery is fresh and comfortable.

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Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-5.jpg



In recent years, Germans have also paid more attention to the concept of healthy dining, especially in Berlin, which is an artistic city full of creativity and spirit. Berliners take an open-minded and optimistic attitude towards different meal ideas. As a result, there is a growing trend of vegan and vegetarian restaurants in this big city. On the contrary, Munich, which is the capital of Bavaria in southern Germany, is rather conservative. However, there are also more restaurants in Munich start using organic food and food from local farmers due to changes in the attitude of the public on healthy eating habit.

The main reason why dining behaviors are difficult to adjust in a short period is because we all worry that healthy food might not be tasty. However, if organic vegetable is delicious, it will be more popular. At the same time, instead of replicating the taste of meat with soya products, presenting the dishes in the form of whole-foods can also give a new picture to vegetarian cuisine.

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Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-28.jpg
Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-31.jpg
Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-32.jpg
Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-35.jpg


My friend introduced some of his favorite dishes to us. Besides the “Superfood Smoothies”, I also enjoyed “Margherita Flatbread” and “Macrobiotic Tempeh Bibimbap”. In particular, the “Margherita Flatbread” was exceptional. The taste is rich and amazing. The unique texture of the bread was fantastic. It was my favorite dish. When we ordered, the waiter specifically introduced us the ingredients of the dishes and the taste of them. Perhaps because the public is still adapting to the vegan, gluten-free, and whole-foods dishes, so the restaurant would first inform the customers more about the dishes they order. It is also a way of learning new ideas.

Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-18.jpg
Plants Eatery by Fanning Tseng for Y!PE-22.jpg

Plants Eatery是一家令人舒服的餐廳,以循序漸進、淺移默化的方式讓大眾對不同的飲食觀點有更深入的瞭解。雖然且他們的方法很直接卻讓人容易接受,那便是從提供美味可口的健康料理下手。先讓食客喜歡了,才有機會讓大眾了解他們的經營理念。與你分享這家令人感到舒服的綠色餐廳,是附近上班族或是週末外食值得一訪的參考;我自己也很期待下次回台灣時再次品嚐。

Plants Eatery is a comfortable restaurant to let the public have a deeper understanding of different dietary concepts gradually. Their idea is straightforward and easy to accept by serving delicious and healthy food. When the customers like the dishes, then it is easier for the public to understand their business philosophy. By sharing this comfortable green restaurant with you, I hope you will like it. I am looking forward to visiting it again when I return Taiwan.

This post was written in cooperation with 10/10 HOPE for Plants Eatery. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.


Ken-Ting Taiwan - ANGSANA SPA