PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Taipei - al sorriso

在al sorriso與同行友人一邊吃喝一邊聊天,很是快活。這樣的用餐氛圍與經驗會存放在心中,細細品味;如果有機會,也會分享給朋友。

In al sorriso, I chatted with my friends while enjoying our meals. It was pleasant. The dining atmosphere and experience will last in my mind for a long time. Highly recommended.

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PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Taipei - Miss Green


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PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Taipei - The Green Room

The Green Room的經營者將過往家鄉人用餐的情分與氛圍帶入現在經營的團隊中,與我們(食客)分享,不只是一道道令人饞嘴的菜色,更提供一處場所讓大家聯繫在一起。這裡是個提供飽胃暖心的蔬食餐館,也可以品嚐到經營者對奶奶廚藝與料理精神的再現,以最簡單、健康的方式呈獻給我們。

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PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Taipei - KiOSK


I appreciate Phil's professionalism and his enthusiasm for work. It is the best attitude of an artist.

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PLACES Fanning Tseng PLACES Fanning Tseng

Taipei - Plants Eatery

Plants Eatery是一家令人舒服的餐廳,以循序漸進、淺移默化的方式讓大眾對不同的飲食觀點有更深入的瞭解。先讓食客喜歡了,才有機會讓大眾了解他們的經營理念。

Plants Eatery is a comfortable restaurant to let the public have a deeper understanding of different dietary concepts gradually. When the customers like the dishes, then it is easier for the public to understand their business philosophy.

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