Discover Prague With bitplay

Discover Prague With bitplay 2017- iPhone 7 Plus - bitplay Wide Angle - Yes! Please Enjoy-9.jpg

到布拉格旅行前剛好收到bitplay從台灣寄來的SNAP!7手機殼以及鏡頭系列組包裹;於是這趟旅程便決定只以iPhone 7 Plus手機搭配bitplay攝影配件拍攝布拉格這座觀光之城。坦白說,上了飛機後內心感到頗不踏實。雖然以手機拍攝很方便,不過這些年來所有拍攝都習慣以專業相機為主;這整趟旅程只能倚靠iPhone 7 Plus來拍照記錄,總覺得很生疏。


I had received a package from bitplay before I visited Prague. Because of the project, I decided to only bring my iPhone 7 Plus with me for the trip. I would like to try how bitplay could help me to record all images.

However, I was not sure if I managed to take photos with just a smartphone. In the previous years, I have always been taking pictures with professional cameras. Shooting with just an iPhone? Can a smartphone shoot high quality photos? On the one side I felt unsecured, on the other side, I would like to give myself a challenge by taking pictures with what I have on my hands. Moreover, I want to see if I can take good and high-quality images with a smartphone.

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bitplay offers different lenses for different shooting situations. After receiving the products, I could feel how well the quality they were when I held them in my hands. Although the lenses are tiny and handy, they are just as good as real lenses of professional cameras. The smartphone case and its grip, the SNAP!7 set brings a real touch when I press the shutter button to take pictures. Moreover, the SNAP!7 set looks elegant, which is a high-quality accessory for the iPhone.



As usual, I do not want to introduce the details about the model itself here as you can find out all the information on bitplay’s website. Whether you have a habit of taking photos with an iPhone to record your life, or you like to travel light and capture views of the journey, bitplay is the right product to enhance the quality of your photography skill.

I would like to share with you some of my favorite photos that I took from our Prague trip.

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This post was written in cooperation with bitplay Inc.. We had full reign over text and content of this article.


Discover Munich With bitplay


Discover H.K. With bitplay