Oster Coffee Machine - Simply Enjoy A Cup Of Coffee
I made a cup of cappuccino in the early morning, and then made a video call to Michael to show off. I proudly hold the mug and enjoyed the thick milk foam. Even if I have to get up early, I can still feel fresh and energetic.
Munich - Sois Blessed
Discover what makes you shine. Sois Blessed在社群媒體上這麼昭告他們聰明又美麗的主張。位於慕尼黑市中心的選物店Sois Blessed不只販賣美麗的物件,同時把緩慢優美的氛圍帶入生活中。
The slogan ‘Discover what makes you shine’ on the social media channel of Sois Blessed displays its smart and beautiful attitude.