Oster Coffee Machine - Simply Enjoy A Cup Of Coffee



Cooperating with HengStyle to shoot the Oster Coffee Machine, I had the opportunity to take this well-design machine back to my hotel. From the first day of the stay, I made cups of coffee every day as using the excuse of shooting. Influenced by Michael, enjoying black coffee is fascinating. The whole process started with smelling the coffee beans, grinding it into powder, it feels even better now. The coffee tastes delightful and creamy, and after drinking the coffee, I smell the bottom of the cup, there is a faint fruity aroma. The half an hour coffee time is addictive.


I do enjoy black coffee without milk or sugar, but what I like most after getting up in the morning is actually a cup of aromatic cappuccino. Pick my favorite coffee beans (I like espresso beans) and grind them into powder with a hand grinder. After brewing, add the thick, creamy milk. I enjoy the way how I make the cappuccino that suits my taste in a precise and perfectly custom way. There is no way else to start the day.


I usually bring my own filter and pre-ground coffee powder for traveling. But this time I packed my luggage very neatly when going back to Taiwan. Michael worriedly asked: "where to get your coffee in the morning?" 7-11 should solve my problem, or I just go to a coffee shop when I get time. I answered hopelessly.

Oster Caffee Machine - HengStyle 恆隆行 - FUJIfilm X-T3 XF3514 - Yes! Please Enjoy.jpg
Oster Caffee Machine - HengStyle 恆隆行 - FUJIfilm X-T3 XF3514 - Yes! Please Enjoy-3.jpg
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Oster Caffee Machine - HengStyle 恆隆行 - FUJIfilm X-T3 XF3514 - Yes! Please Enjoy-9.jpg


When the chief editor of HengStyle held the coffee machine in my hands, I was not yet excited. "Don't forget, go to Nespresso and pick a few coffee capsules that you like!" Before leaving, she reminded me. When I stepped into Nespresso and carefully looked at the beautiful capsules, under the addiction to caffeine, it made me lick my lips and wanted to go back to the hotel and give myself a cup of coffee.


The Oster Coffee Machine has a professional steam foam design. I bought fresh milk and added it to the milk tank. I added mineral water, put coffee capsule, press the button, and then a cup of black coffee was already made in some seconds. Then pushed the button to make the foam; then a cup of cappuccino was done that was as perfect as customized at home.


"Hey, guess where I got this perfect cappuccino?" I made a cup of cappuccino in the early morning, and then made a video call to Michael to show off. I proudly hold the mug and enjoyed the thick milk foam. Even if I have to get up early, I can still feel fresh and energetic.

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Oster Caffee Machine - HengStyle 恆隆行 - FUJIfilm X-T3 XF3514 - Yes! Please Enjoy-14.jpg
Oster Caffee Machine - HengStyle 恆隆行 - FUJIfilm X-T3 XF3514 - Yes! Please Enjoy-17.jpg
Oster Caffee Machine - HengStyle 恆隆行 - FUJIfilm X-T3 XF3514 - Yes! Please Enjoy-22.jpg
Oster Caffee Machine - HengStyle 恆隆行 - FUJIfilm X-T3 XF3514 - Yes! Please Enjoy-15.jpg

Photography Tips

Fuji Film X-T3 & XF35mmF1.4R

這次攝影專案是以FujiFilm X-T3相機搭配XF35mmF1.4R鏡頭拍攝。以前就聽許多攝影師稱讚FujiFilm的相機,不管是哪款機型都讓影像呈現出內斂有力道的魅力。這次實際操作使用,的確讓人大呼過癮。相機機身的設計沈穩卻不笨重,以轉盤來調整光圈快門的設計,剛開始對我來說有點不上手,不過直覺式的轉盤設計卻在很短的時間之內就讓我與相機培養出默契,使用起來特別得心應手。X-T3機身在對焦、快門敏感度上十分靈敏,幾乎可以說是眼到(觀察)、心到(構圖)同時手到(按下快門)。XF35mmF1.4R鏡頭的焦段(以全幅來說差不多落在50mm的焦段上)很適合一般生活紀錄與旅遊時攜帶使用。1.4大光圈的細緻讓人欣賞影像的時候感覺特別過癮帶勁。是一台值得推薦的進階相機與鏡頭的組合。

This photography project was shot with a FujiFilm X-T3 camera with an XF35mmF1.4R lens. I have heard many photographers praise the FujiFilm cameras before, no matter which model makes images show a great charm. The experience of using a FujiFilm X-T3 camera was indeed delightful. The design of the camera body is steady but not cumbersome. The design for adjusting the aperture and shutter is by the turntable. It was not very useful for me at first, but the intuitive dial design made me very easy to handle in a short time. It is especially handy. The X-T3 model is sensitive in focus and shutter. It reaches a good balance in observation (the objects), composition (the picture) and pressing the shutter(take a photo). The focal length of the XF35mmF1.4R lens (which falls on the focal length of 50mm in a full frame system) is suitable for general life story and traveling. The quality of the images makes people feel particularly pleasant when they enjoy the pictures. It is a recommended combination of an advanced camera and lens.

This post was written in cooperation with HengStyle for Oster Coffee Machine and FujiFilm Taiwan. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.


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