選物:FLOWERPOT - &Tradition
從瑪黑家居接下拍攝任務,為此文介紹以雙半球組合的FLOWERPOT VP9。此燈來頭不小,為丹麥建築設計師Verner Panton於1968年設計之經點款,現由&tradition攜手推出。
接下任務,欲有所作為,大肆規劃。卻感虛恍,不踏地。彷彿只拍出產品外型,未能觸抵實心。回頭瀏覽&Tradition社群,嗅見品牌以人文文化落實生活之心力。甚至,讀到舊年文章,&Tradition為慶祝Flowerpot系列燈具推出五款新色,於Verner Panton女兒Carin Panton慕尼黑家中舉辦一場色彩繽紛的晚宴。
Receiving a photography task assigned by Store Marais, I delve into researching the FLOWERPOT VP9. This lamp, designed by Danish architect Verner Panton in 1968, is now reintroduced by &Tradition.
Setting out with grand plans, I find myself adrift, lacking solid ground. It seems I've captured only the product's exterior, failing to grasp its essence. Viewing &Tradition's social media, I sense the brand's dedication to infusing life with cultural significance. I even stumbled upon an old article in which &Tradition celebrated the release of five new colors for the Flowerpot series with a colorful dinner event hosted at Verner Panton's daughter Carin Panton's Munich home.
Designs may appear lofty, but they seamlessly integrate into everyday life. Moreover, that event felt oddly close to me. Hence, I've welcomed this lamp into my life, relishing the joyous surprises it brings when illuminated.
Even if not this lamp, I hope you find your light in life. Yet, this lamp, with its USB charging capability, offers freedom of placement, making it a delightful addition to any space. Besides the bright gold design, Store Marais offers multiple colors. I believe you'll adore this delightful piece as much as I do.
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日本奧地紀行:Isabella Lucy Bird著,吳煒聲譯,遠足文化。十九世紀的遠行冒險家該如何詳細記事,為開始閱讀後不時在腦袋裡思索的問題。此書紀錄英國冒險作家Isabella Lucy Bird於一八七八年進入日本秘境之細瑣,無論是季節天氣、飲食文化、當地人對外來者之反應、隨行僕從之行為,以及她自身感受與應對,皆有極為詳細之描述。雖無法一翻到底,然偶爾幾頁,還是可以增添生活趣味的。
左京都男子休日 / 北海道央男子休日:男子休日委員會著,自轉星球。分別在二〇一三與二〇一五年出版,在二手書市找了幾個月才完整這兩本書藏。為早期以散文圖像記事之遊記,內容清爽不造作,詳細卻不煩冗。即使日本文化與旅遊於我而言仍屬遙遠,然隨手翻閱都有意思,是優雅的生活小品。
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