Taipei - HOME Hotel Da-An
In the past, I tried to save money when traveling or on business trips. I booked the low-cost airlines, stayed at one-star hostels in the suburbs, and had a low budget for food. But the broken luggage, longer time spent on transportation, and poor quality sleep because of uncomfortable bedding. It seemed to be not worth to suffer all bad happening than saving some dollars. Moreover, it also minimized the opportunity to experience the life of a city. I walked a lot and took many photos, but it seemed to be a routine. Afterward, there are only a few superficial memories.
Now, I am more concerned with journeys that offer deeper experience than "having a lot of opportunities for travel." Not because my income is more than before, but because I prepare for my next trip; save travel budget, and let myself to be the best state for it. In this way, you can get more memories and impressions with a budget that suits your lifestyle.
2018年底台灣工作之旅行程滿檔,私人遊走的時間不多,一開始已經決定在住宿安排上得好好善待自己。從地點交通、旅館房型設計來考量,Home Hotel Da-An的條件很符合心中期待。旅館座落在忠孝復興捷運站旁,吃食購物都很方便。最吸引我的,是「與設計共眠」的理念與落實,以台灣製造為主軸,利用客房空間帶入有國際觀與獨特設計的台灣品牌,以互惠的方式彼此提攜,也讓來自不同國家的旅客看見台灣的創作力。
At the end of 2018, my working schedule back to Taiwan was busy, and there was not much time for private touring. In the beginning, I decided to treat myself well, especially considering where to stay. Regarding the location of the transportation and the design of the hotel's room, the conditions of Home Hotel Da-An are in line with the expectations.
The hotel is located beside the Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station, and it is convenient for dining and shopping. What attracts me the most is the concept and implementation of "sleeping with the design." With a central concept of "Made in Taiwan," Home Hotel Da-An uses the space of the rooms to bring in Taiwanese brands with international vision and unique design, and support each other in a mutually beneficial way. Through this idea, global travelers who stay here can see the creativity of Taiwan.
This time, because of my longer stay, I arranged two different room types; Room 503, "Islands on the Pillows - reading is also read by you" and Room 505, "Reading".
"Islands on the Pillows - reading is also read by you" is created by the artist "I am the hand tonight." The artist composed Chinese characters on the solid walls and transparent glasses in the room. It is especially suitable for one who stays in the place alone to slowly taste the charm between the messages.
In the "Reading" room, the Boven magazine library provides books and magazines that are on different topics for guests to read. Whether you are alone or accompanied, you can have fun by enjoying or discussing while reading.
讓旅居的地方更像家似乎成為了我們下榻旅館時最基本的期待。而放鬆是回到家時第一個直覺的感受;脫下外出鞋換上居家脫鞋、換上居家服、給自己泡一杯咖啡或茶,都是一種回到家的儀式。在Home Hotel DaAn我也有類似的一個過程。
一整天的工作結束之後回到房間,換上室內脫鞋、洗了手之後卸妝洗澡穿上鬆軟的睡袍。這些年已經吹不慣冷氣的我打開對外的門,跨到陽台透透氣感受自然風吹流動的韻律。回到房內,給自己沖杯咖啡,打開電腦將影像備份、再完成當天的工作內容。即使已經沒有幾個小時可以睡,還是滿心期待攤開棉被將自己塞入柔軟被舖之間的安潤感。Home Hotel DaAn以最樸實溫厚的接待方式讓我們在打開那扇房門同時,已經感覺回到了自己的家。
Making a place to feel more like home seems to be the most basic expectation when we stay at a hotel. Relaxing is the first sense to feel when you return home. Taking off your shoes and changing to slippers and home wear, and making yourself a cup of coffee or tea are all ways to get back to the comfort zone. I also have a similar process at Home Hotel Da-An.
Returning to my room after a complete day of work, put on the slippers, washed my hands, removed the makeup, took a shower and then put on the soft nightgown. I have not been used to air-conditioning these years, so I opened the door and stepped to the balcony to feel the rhythm of the natural wind. Got back to the room, made myself a cup of coffee, and backed up the important images, and then completed the work of the day. Even I could not sleep for a few hours; I was still looking forward to getting into the soft bed. With the simplest and warmest treatment, Home Hotel Da-An let us feel that we have returned to our home while opening the room door.
Photography Tips
Photos are taken with
Olympus E-M1 Mark ii 25mmF1:1.2PRO &
在室內空間拍攝上,我往往不是那麼在意構圖,而是先感受空間裡的氛圍,再試著以最好的角度把這份感受呈現出來。以Home Hotel Da-An的設計來說,屬於暗調溫沈的木頭色系為材質主軸,加上具有穿透性的玻璃牆面以及重點式投射燈為輔,適合以空間裡的「單位」來表達,而非專注在個體細節上。如此一來,可以有更豐富的畫面,透過影像觀賞者也可以投入沈靜安詳的旅居空間中。
In interior photography, I tend not to care about composition, but first feel the atmosphere of the space, and then try to present this feeling in the best angle. Home Hotel Da-An is designed with a dark, warm wood color as the main concept, decorate with glasses and focal spotlights, which is suitable to preset the "unit" in the rooms, instead focusing on individual details. In this way, to provide intenser pictures, and let viewer enter a quiet and peaceful space through the photos.