finding my CHINA 2011


影像紀錄二〇一一拜訪中國廣州鄉村一週行程。時間為開始自學攝影初期,尚不足三年。相機為Nikon D300S,搭配35mm f1.8鏡頭。此趟拍下影像近三百張,只能取三十作為內容,十分之一比例。以今而論,算高。我想,原因在手感與技巧皆乾澀前提下,端憑直覺拍照。初生之犢直覺或許稚嫩,然未染成熟之老成世故,可從中可看出些許樂趣。盼你亦見同味。

Documenting my visit to rural areas of Guangzhou, China in 2011. This trip occurred during the early stages of my self-taught photography journey, which was less than three years in duration. Equipped with a Nikon D300S paired with a 35mm f1.8 lens. I captured nearly three hundred images during this journey, but could only select thirty for sharing, representing just a tenth of the total. In hindsight, this seems quite selective. I believe the reason lies in the fact that, lacking both the finesse and technical proficiency at that time, I relied solely on intuition to take photos. The intuition of a novice may have been immature, yet unadulterated by the sophistication of experience, it still revealed a hint of joy. I hope you can also find a similar resonance in these images.


此紀錄影像以 Urban Lifestyle Preset 中 LOMO 此款設計後製。欲了解更多風格濾鏡設計細節,請點擊下方按鈕。

The image collection is edited with the “LOMO” design from the Urban Lifestyle Preset. To explore more details, please click the button below.


Praha 2017 Shot On iPhone


2022 盛夏遊