Omorovicza Cleanser Collection

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Cleanser Collection

第一次接觸 Omorovicza 是在去年夏天到花蓮玩的時候,天氣悶熱、空氣潮濕,陽光十分毒辣,在肌膚的油水平衡上的確因為 Omorovicza 系列得到完善的呵護,因此對這個來自匈牙利的護膚品牌留下深刻的印象。而「礦物潤澤精華噴霧 Magic Moisture Mist」與「匈牙利皇后醒膚露 Queen of Hungary Mist」一直到現在都是日常保養程序中不可或缺的心頭好單品。(礦物潤澤精華噴霧 Magic Moisture Mist 快要用完了,得在夏天度假前補貨。)


在網路上看到關於 Omorovicza 這兩款清潔、卸妝系列的使用分享,於是寫了信問問 10/10 HOPE 的編輯。沒想到編輯自己也是愛用者,熱烈地推薦使用:質地真的和我們以前習慣的清潔品都不同,會讓你耳目一新的。」這麼有吸引力的推薦詞,能不起作用嗎?

收到「柔膚卸妝潔顏乳 Cashmere Cleanser」和「妝溶潔顏凝凍 Hydra Melting Cleanser」到現在連續使用了約三個多月,瓶子已經見底。每次使用將潔顏乳或是潔顏凝凍擠在手心上時,特殊輕柔的質地都還是讓我覺得不可思議。以下,分別介紹我的使用方法與感受,希望透過淡薄的文字也能讓你體會一二。

The first time I used Omorovicza was when I went to Hualien last summer. The weather was hot, the air was humid, the sun was intense. The Omorovicza series indeed took good care of the oil and water balance of my skin. I was impressed by the skincare brand from Hungary. The Magic Moisture Mist and the Queen of Hungary Mist have been my indispensable items for my daily skin care routine. (The Magic Moisture Mist is almost running out, I have to restock before the summer vacation.)

When I was young, I felt that the skin care products were the most important. I was afraid of wrinkles, I wished my skin to be bright, and I wanted the skin to look glow. Later, I realize that if I do not clean my skin properly, especially after makeup, the efficacy of skin care products will be reduced. Therefore, in the past few years, I have allocated a portion of the budget for skin care products to cleansing products. Let the pores breathe first, and the ingredients of the skin care products can be completely absorbed.

I saw on the Internet about the cleansing and makeup remover products of Omorovicza. I wrote a letter asking 10/10 HOPE's editor about it. I did not expect that she also likes the products, and enthusiastically recommended me to try. She said: "The texture is different from the cleaning products we used to be, and it will make you feel refreshed." Can such an attractive recommendation not work?

After receiving the Cashmere Cleanser and the Hydra Melting Cleanser, I have been using it for more than three months, and I almost finish the bottles. The unique soft texture makes me feel incredible. Below, I will share my routine and thoughts.

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Hydra Melting Cleanser



妝溶潔顏凝凍清潔力最明顯的是在卸除眼妝的細節上。不管使用那個品牌的卸妝產品,我都會再搭配「眼部卸妝凝膠」確保徹底清潔眼妝。使用「Omorovicza 妝溶潔顏凝凍」時,也會加強清潔,不過從卸妝棉上殘留的睫毛膏與眼線可以看出,在第一道卸妝手續上,Omorovicza 妝溶潔顏凝凍已經大大地發揮了清潔的力度。這樣一來,就可以減少在清潔時過度擦拭的頻率,降低細紋增生的機會。


I think that the brand is modest when it comes to giving a name for the product, Hydra Melting Cleanser. The light blue-green cream is not much different from the general cleaning products. However, once my hands begin to apply the Hydra Melting Cleanser to the face and give a gentle massage, the essence seems to turn out. It is rich as honey, and the cream covers the skin comprehensively. The more you massage, the more you can feel the cleanser slowly penetrates the pores to bring out the dirt. I also clean my neck when I remove makeup, massage the neck part with upward smoothing strokes.

The fascinating feature of the Hydra Melting Cleanser is that its texture is very delicate, and the feeling of touch with the skin is excellent. However, the cleansing effect is not sloppy. I believe that everyone has tried some mild quality makeup removers. Although the texture might be light, the cleaning result is not ideal. Instead, we need other cleaning products to clean the skin properly.

The most noticeable highlight of the Hydra Melting Cleanser is the cleansing power to remove eye makeup. Regardless of which brand of makeup remover I use, I will thoroughly clean my eye makeup with the Eye Makeup Gel. As well when I use Hydra Melting Cleanser. However, from the used cotton pads, it is obvious to see that the Omorovicza Hydra Melting Cleanser has significantly been improved on the cleansing result. In this way, the cleansing can be more thorough.

No matter wearing makeup or applying sun cream, primer or tinted moisturizer, I will always use the Hydra Melting Cleanser to clean my skin and pores thoroughly. This seemingly cumbersome process cannot be omitted. It is also the experience I have learned over the past few years.

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Cashmere Cleanser

「柔膚卸妝潔顏乳」除了在使用妝溶潔顏凝凍之後當成洗面乳使用外,在一般沒有外出的日子都會以它來清潔肌膚。如同品牌的產品名稱 Cashmere Cleanser,潔顏乳的質地輕柔,均勻塗抹在臉上時,指腹可以感受到乳液的彈性,這讓按摩時更有樂趣。

吹捧清潔卸妝產品的清潔效力好像是多此一舉的,因為這不就是產品設計時應該達成的初衷嗎?所以,更加應該看重的反而是清潔之後肌膚的感受力,是否因為過度清潔而感到緊繃、乾澀。Omorovicza 兩款清潔系列真確在洗完臉之後可以明顯感肌膚中保留滋潤的透水度。輕輕地以毛巾拍去水分,搓熱雙手手掌,以溫熱的掌心感受清潔後柔嫩的皮膚是一件很享受的事。



After using the Hydra Melting Cleanser, I take the Cashmere Cleanser as a facial cleanser. I use it on days when not going out or not wearing makeup. As its name, Cashmere Cleanser, the cleansing milk has a delicate texture. When you wash your face, you can feel the springy texture of the lotion, which makes the cleansing process more fun.

Emphasis on the cleansing efficacy of make-up remover products seems to be superfluous because it should be the original intention of the products? Perhaps, we can pay attention to the sensibility of the skin after cleaning, if it is tight or dry because of cleanliness. After using Omorovicza's two cleaning series, I can feel the moisture of my skin. Gently take the towel to remove the water, rub your hands together, and feel the clean and tender skin with your warm palms. It is an enjoyable thing.

I use the Cashmere Cleanser when I don't wear makeup or any other tinted moisturizer and primer. I didn't understand it before, thinking that it would be fine to wash my face only with water when not wearing makeup. However, the dirty air (especially the hot and humid climate in Taiwan), oil secretion, and the scalp need to be cleaned properly.

Therefore, the soft and delicate Cashmere Cleanser is suitable for sensitive skin or dry skin. It cleans skin properly; moreover, it has no irritating ingredients. It keeps skin tender and not getting dry from cleaning.

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雖然品牌強調將獨特研發的「礦泉護膚導入科技™(Hydro Mineral Transference ™)」,讓溫泉水中富含天然礦物質階段式有效地滲入肌底,在潔淨同時加強呵護皮脂膜,預防水分流失,提升肌膚明亮感,讓緊實、柔嫩與抗老感受更為明顯。不過在清潔過後的保濕依舊十分重要;我將 Omorovicza 的醒膚露或是潤澤精華噴霧當成第一道手續,用來提高皮膚滋潤,再依序完成平日的保養程序。

Omorovicza 這一組清潔卸妝系列真是我近期內大力推薦朋友的產品,完全可以瞭解當初 10/10 HOPE 編輯的心聲,希望好的產品也讓需要的人試一試呢。

Omorovicza emphasizes the uniquely developed "Hydro Mineral Transference TM", which allows the natural minerals in the hot spring water to penetrate the skin base which enhances skin care, prevents losing moisture and improves skin brightness. It is obvious to feel the firmness, tenderness and anti-aging effect. After cleaning, keep moisturizing is important. I use the Magic Moisture Mist or Queen of Hungary Mist as the first step to prevent skin moisturizing and then complete the daily care routine.

I highly recommend the cleansing series from Omorovicza to my friends. I can fully understand the view of the 10/10 HOPE editor, and I hope to introduce good quality products to those who need them.

This post was written in cooperation with 10/10 HOPE for Omorovicza. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.


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