Grown Alchemist Hand Creams

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Grown Alchemist

Hand Creams




說來還真有點不好意思,自認為使用過許多護手霜品牌的我,竟然在大約一年前才從10/10 Hope編輯口中聽到來自澳洲有機品牌Grown Alchemist的名字。Grown Alchemist品牌的護手霜正是許多愛用者最先接觸的首支產品呢。這篇文章將與你分享我的護手之道以及使用這三支護手霜的心得。

I often went to the beauty salon with my mother when I was a little girl. Each time, the beautician stood next to my mother after the facial routine and massaged her hands with lotion. “Hands are the second face of a woman; we should take care of our hands as carefully as we do to our face.” I could not understand what she meant until I moved to Germany and became a mother. Skincare is not just a beauty routine but an attitude to show how your lifestyle is and how you treat yourself.

I might take it too seriously. However, it is obvious to see from my hands if I take good care of them. My hands are quite dry, especially the fingertips. I do manicures (and pedicures) regularly to keep them in good condition. Moreover, I always apply hand cream on my hands after washing them.

It was just a routine for me to take care of my hands at the beginning. Later, I gradually came to enjoy the beauty process by choosing my favorite scented hand creams and feeling the creamy texture on my hands.

I thought I had tried many different hand cream products, but then I got to know Grown Alchemist almost a year ago. When I had a meeting with the editor of 10/10 Hope, she introduced Grown Alchemist to me. Grown Alchemist is originally from Australia and is well-known for its organic products and minimal package design. In this article, I would like to share my hand care routine with you and my thoughts after trying the hand cream products from Grown Alchemist.

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How I Take Care Of My Hands

  • 有機產品:家中使用的洗劑與清潔劑儘可能挑選自然有機的品牌。這不僅僅是我們對環境盡一份最微薄的力量,同時,天然配方也可以減少對皮膚的接觸傷害。家庭主婦或是媽媽們每天必須碰水的機會很多,好像總是有洗不完的杯盤與家中清潔打掃,在第一步就應該減少讓肌膚粗糙的機會。

  • 適當地使用護手霜:這是大家都知道卻往往忽略的重要步驟。我在家裡不同角落都有支護手霜:浴室洗手間(上完廁所洗手後馬上滋潤)、寢室裡(睡覺前的重要保養步驟)、廚房(洗好菜煮好飯也不忘雙手的呵護)還有工作桌旁(如果雙手感到乾燥就無法打字),同時包包裡隨時都有一條護手霜(護唇膏也有),去到哪都不怕。

  • 定期做手部保養:偷偷坦承,以前覺得做手腳部位保養是很花錢的事,定居德國之後才發現是件「省不得」的重要事。德國天氣乾燥,許多人都有定期做腳部保養的習慣,去角質也順便修剪指甲、做肌膚滋潤保養,這樣一來就算是寒冷乾燥的冬天,雙腳(尤其是腳跟部位)還是軟嫩滑溜。我就是在同一時間養成手部保養的習慣,一個月一次,到了保養沙龍就坐下來好好放鬆休息,一個半小時結束之後雙手雙腳乾乾淨淨、細白幼嫩;其實是非常值得的消費。另一半也和我到同一家保養沙龍,男人的手和腳乾乾淨淨的確賞心悅目。

  • Organic products: We should use as many organic household cleaners as possible. The natural products do not only help protect the earth, but also harm our skin less than the chemical ones do. Housewives or mothers do a lot of household chores with water every day. By choosing the right natural products, the chance of harming our skin is reduced.

  • Use hand cream properly: It is what we all know but often neglect. I have several hand cream in different corners at home: in the bathroom, sleeping room, kitchen and beside my desk. Moreover, I always have a mini pack in my cosmetic bag when going out. Then I can apply my hands with hand cream anytime and anywhere.

  • Do manicure and pedicure regularly: I learned how important it is after living in Germany. Many people do manicure and pedicure regularly due to the dry weather in Germany to have softer hands and feet. I do it once a month in a beauty salon and enjoy the hour relaxingly without thinking anything.

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Grown Alchemist Hand Cream - 10-10 Hope - Yes! Please Enjoy-5.jpg

Hand Cream : Vanilla & Orange Peel 經典護手霜

這只黑管設計的經典護手霜是Grown Alchemist最受到大家喜愛的產品之一;成份中含有蘆薈,既清爽又保濕,而且不油膩好吸收,放在工作桌旁拿來當作一般日常滋養的護手霜剛剛好。每天早上幫女兒做了早餐、送她出門上課後我都會給自己泡杯咖啡,然後開始一天的工作;開啟電腦時剛好抹上經典護手霜,以幽雅的芳香展開一天。

This classic hand cream in the black pack is one of Grown Alchemist’s best-selling products. The hand cream contains aloe vera. It is moisturizing but not greasy. It can be used as a daily hand cream. I leave it on my desk since I spend most of the time working on my computer.

Intensive Hand Cream : Persian Rose & Argan Extract 強效護手霜


The intensive hand cream contains Damascus rose, Argan oil and other ingredients. It has a creamy and rich texture. I mostly use it after working in the kitchen. I apply a proper amount of cream evenly on both hands, then squeeze a small amount to moisturize the fingertips and web space to give a massage. I especially enjoy a hand massage since it provides a better moisturizing result on my hands.

Age-Repair Hand Cream : Phyto-Peptide, Sweet Almond & Sage 歲月修護護手霜


The main emphasis of the age-repair hand cream is on smoothening fine wrinkles and whitening hands. It is as smooth and creamy as the intensive hand cream, but still, the texture of this hand cream is more delicate. The elegant scent of this hand cream is my favorite smell among the three hand creams. I use it as one of my evening skincare routines. I apply it not only on my hands but also on my wrists to complete the beauty care.



Some people think that it is necessary to have complete skin care only in Europe or other countries with dry weather and I agree. However, our skins also need more hydration in an air-conditioned room, especially in Asia.

Allow a beauty method becomes one of your daily routines. Treat yourself right and your body will give you a better outcome. I hope you enjoy this article as I enjoy Grown Alchemist’s hand creams. I would love to hear your thoughts after reading this article, feel free to leave a comment.

This post was written in cooperation with 10/10 Hope for Grown Alchemist. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.


Taipei - KiOSK


Ken-Ting Taiwan - ANGSANA SPA