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BEst 30 of #7PhotoCollection 2024 Part Ⅰ


2024年上半年,這週期設定只以50mm焦段拍攝,主要是想訓練自己對此焦段的手感。剛開始學拍照時的確是用50mm,但此焦段的拍攝角度對我來說還偏屬廣角,於是很快捨棄不用,轉用更長焦的鏡頭。因此大多數攝影愛好者都很擅長的50mm,對我來說卻十分陌生。前幾週拍照時,真的很不自在,不過可能是因為搭配Fujifilm X-Pro3此機型的緣故,相機設計輕巧俐落,拍照時彷彿人機一體,尤其是街拍時,讓我更利於上手。直到現在,此相機鏡頭的組合依舊是我包包裡的每日隨身機,在不刻意的前提下,捕捉到許多喜歡的影像。

此外,長達六個月密集使用Fujifilm X-Pro3以直覺拍攝後,最大的影響是我不再用「社群以智慧型手機直式瀏覽」的手法來構圖。雖然拍照構圖沒有絕對的對與錯,但是不受限於外在形式拍照,很像回到了剛開始拍照的純粹感。

點擊下方選集瀏覽我最喜歡的三十張影像。如你想加入一起拍,歡迎在社群標注 #7photocollection 共賞。

After nearly six months of continuous shooting in 2023, I’ve developed a deeper appreciation for this approach to observing life and capturing moments spontaneously. Unlike rushing to produce quick results, it has taught me the joy and fulfillment of spending time on what I love and slowly building something meaningful.

For the first half of 2024, the rule is to shoot exclusively with a 50mm focal length, aiming to develop a better feel for it. I initially started photography with a 50mm lens, but its perspective felt a bit wide for me, so I quickly switched to longer focal lengths. As a result, while 50mm is second nature to many photographers, it feels unfamiliar to me. The first few weeks were challenging, but pairing the lens with the Fujifilm X-Pro3 made a big difference. Its sleek, lightweight design made shooting intuitive, especially for street photography, where the camera felt like an extension of myself. To this day, this camera-lens combo remains my everyday carry, capturing many of my favorite images effortlessly.

Additionally, after six months of intensive use with the Fujifilm X-Pro3 and shooting instinctively, one of the biggest changes I’ve noticed is how I’ve moved away from composing images specifically for “vertical scrolling on social media via smartphones.” While there’s no absolute right or wrong in composition, breaking free from external formats feels like a return to the pure joy of photography, much like when I first started.

Click below to view my top 30 favorite shots from this project. If you’d like to join, feel free to tag your photos with #7photocollection on social media to share your work!

Seven-Photo Collection 為自發攝影提案,開始於2023年7月11日。每週拍七張照片,一年累積365張。不單純拍攝,並且以每六個月為單位,每周期都有一個簡單的拍攝規範。自2024年1月1日至6月30日這六個月的規範為「只能用50mm焦段拍」,此階段主要使用的相機組合為Fujifilm X-Pro3 + Fujinon 35mm f1.4。希望藉此提高拍照機會與手感,培養觀察能力,同時累積作品。

Seven-Photo Collection is a self-initiated photography project that began on July 11, 2023. The goal is to take seven photos per week, accumulating 365 photos in a year. It’s not just about shooting—it’s structured around simple guidelines that change every six months. From January 1 to June 30, 2024, the rule is to shoot exclusively with a 50mm focal length. The primary gear for this phase is the Fujifilm X-Pro3 paired with the Fujinon 35mm f1.4 lens. This project aims to increase shooting opportunities, refine technique, sharpen observational skills, and build a portfolio.