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Taipei - al sorriso


選擇入住Home Hotel Da-An除了地點與住房設計,另一個原因就是旅館附屬的自助早餐。早早起床、先在房間裡沖杯咖啡,打理好自己之後確認當天的工作行程,然後六點半準時下樓。早餐就在Home Hotel Da-An一樓al sorriso餐廳內,用餐空間設計與旅館住房內的調性很符合,都是沈穩中有大器的氣質。

The most exciting thing I expect when staying at a hotel for a holiday or a business trip is the breakfast buffet. Although I don't eat much, and only a few food choices due to my nutritional control. However, it is a pleasant moment for me to start with a cup of coffee, hot tea, and good food.

In addition to the location and room design of Home Hotel Da-An, another reason why I stayed there was the hotel's breakfast buffet. Got up early, had my first cup of coffee in the room, got dressed and confirmed all schedule, then went downstairs at 6:30. Breakfast is served in the al sorriso restaurant on the ground floor of the Home Hotel Da-An. The dining space design is in line with the hotel's rooms. It is calm and elegant.


al sorriso在經營上分成四個時段,早餐、午餐、下午茶以及晚餐;雖然由不同廚房團隊主導,不過理念相同,都希望提供旅人像家的用餐氛圍。

It is quiet at 6:30. For a few days, there were only me and a few other early hotel guests had breakfast at this time. We took food and drinks in order, and enjoyed it slowly in our seats with proper seat arrangements. In addition to the delicious meals, the buffet bar had prepared many original food dishes. However, as soon as I saw the porridge and some Taiwanese side dishes, all principles of nutrition control were thrown aside. A bowl of hot porridge covered with pork floss was the greatest enjoyment of the week.

Al sorriso is divided into four periods of operation, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Although it is dominated by different kitchen teams, the concept is the same, and they all hope to provide a home atmosphere for travelers.

這天在Home Hotel Da-An安排下,在午餐時段到訪al sorriso,並且由團隊背後的總顧問林峻豪先生為我介紹當天的用餐菜色。當然,我沒有錯過這個好機會,就著聊天的機會,也請教了林先生許多經營的理念與想法。

林峻豪先生外表看來酷帥,不過聊到食物卻展露滿腔熱誠。擁有多年豐富廚房料理經驗的他,以好品味的本事來領導團隊。al sorriso堅持只用好食材,因此他在菜單設計上下功夫,讓廚師們可以大顯身手、展露廚藝。

林峻豪先生加入al sorriso後,提供台北東區消費者在餐飲料理上更多不同風格的選擇。al sorriso主打義式料理,不過他更希望帶入歐洲飲食與生活態度。除了午晚餐的季節性菜色,另外也提供客製菜單服務。只要提出理想的預算與飲食方向,廚房團隊就可以打造出一桌主題性料理。許多美味的實驗性菜色都是在客製菜單服務中研發出來,也因此順勢推出每日限定午餐菜單。限定午餐菜色每日不同,以新鮮食材做靈感來源,也滿足食客希望品嚐不同菜色的慾望。

On this day, under the arrangement of Home Hotel Da-An, I visited al sorriso at lunchtime. Mr. Lin Junhao, the general counsel behind the team, introduced me to the menu and his team. Of course, I did not miss this good opportunity to chat and interview Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin Junhao looks cool; however, when he talks about food, he shows his enthusiasm. With many years of background in cooking, he leads the team with his experience and knowledge. Al sorriso insists on using only good ingredients, therefore he works hard on the menu design so that the chefs can show their talents and cooking skills.

After joining the al sorriso team, Mr. Lin Junhao provides consumers with more different styles of dining in the Eastern District of Taipei. Al sorriso specializes in Italian cuisine, but Mr. Lin also hopes to bring European attitudes towards food and lifestyle in his business philosophy. In addition to the seasonal dishes for lunch and dinner, a custom menu service is also available. The kitchen team can create a table of themed dishes with the ideal budget and dining wishes. Many delicious meals have been developed in the custom menu service. Thus the daily limited lunch menu was born. The limited lunch menu is different daily, with fresh ingredients as a source of inspiration, the desire of diners who want to taste different dishes get satisfied.

炙燒紅甘魚佐葡萄柚沙拉 Charcoaled Homachi & Grapefruit Salad


直火炭烤鮪魚大麥沙拉 Charcoaled Tuna with Barley Salad


After we sat down, the waiter served the appetizer "Charcoaled Homachi & Grapefruit Salad". The soft pink fish brings a fresh and tender, meaty taste. Try together with a sweet and juicy grapefruit to make the flavor of the delicious fish leaping into the mouth again. It is a dish with a harmonious taste.

This fish salad has greatly increased my appetite, so we ordered another "Charcoaled Tuna with Barley Salad". The texture of the charcoaled fish was saturated and tender. The fish salad had a heroic character directly hit our taste buds. The two plates of appetizers have made us feel to enjoy more. Following Mr. Lin Junhao's creative menu, I was looking forward to the next surprise.

香辣淡菜貝殼麵 Mussels Totette In Spicy Sauce



The third dish was the "Mussels Totette In Spicy Sauce". The cooking style and time of Italian pasta to achieve the taste of "al dente" is often the focus of an Italian restaurant which organized by a Taiwanese team. "But not all kinds of pasta are suitable for the taste of "al dente". Some of them taste better when cooking a bit longer. The waiters will also advise ordering according to the needs of the customers." Mr. Lin Junhao made a complete reply with my question. Instead of blindly obeying to Taiwanese expected how pasta should be, al sorriso provides an appropriate taste to diners and also shows respect to the ingredients.

The "Mussels Totette In Spicy Sauce" was served with a perfect taste of "al dente", and the hollow part of the pasta was filled with the rich sauce. I felt an indescribable satisfaction with each chewing. The four-course lunch set is satisfying. I shared the set with my friend and added a salad. We were almost full when serving the pasta. The amount was just right.


The fourth dish, also the main meal was the "Crispy Amadai With Chef's Sauce". The fish scales were fried and crispy in a special yet tasty way. It was bringing out the smoothness of the fish. The milky white sauce was rich and flavorful. I swiped the sauce and cleaned the dish with the last piece of fish and swallowed it without any hesitation. At the same time, I also paid tribute to the chef.

當服務生收回盤子時,也請我到甜點櫃挑選一款想品嚐的糕點。al sorriso的糕點、歐式麵包都是由廚房新鮮烘烤,當日限量供應。我點了蒙布朗栗子蛋糕搭配上熱茶。以前從未吃過栗子蛋糕的我無從比較,不過清爽不膩口的滋味讓我對蒙布朗留下美好的印象,也替這次al sorriso用餐體驗劃下最好的句號。

al sorriso的服務人員態度有禮沒有過度的奉承殷勤,讓人感到舒適,是我很喜歡的。一道道循序漸進的上菜速度、不疾不徐,剛好與同行友人一邊吃喝一邊聊天,很是快活。這樣的用餐氛圍與經驗會存放在心中,細細品味;如果有機會,也會分享給朋友。

When the waiter fixed the table after our dishes, I was asked to go to the dessert bar to pick a pastry that I wanted to try. Al sorriso's pastries and bread are freshly baked daily. I ordered Mont Blanc with hot tea. I had never tried a Mont Blanc before; therefore I could not judge it. However, it was refreshing and not greasy. I made a good impression on Mont Blanc and had the best ending for this al sorriso dining experience.

Al sorriso's service was polite and not overly flattered which I liked very much. They served the next dish only when we finished our plates. I could chat with friends while enjoying meals. It was pleasant. The joyful dining atmosphere and experience last in my heart; a highly recommended restaurant in Taipei.

This post was written in cooperation with al sorriso. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.