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Grown Alchemist Age Repair Skin Care

來自澳洲的GROWN ALCHEMIST已經是我生活中不可獲缺的保養品牌之一。以科學為基礎,運用天然有機與植物粹取配方來促進肌膚修護功能,並加速新陳代謝,讓皮膚維持在健康自然的狀態。因為只要健康,皮膚自然能散發出迷人的光澤。對我來說,這樣才是剛剛好的保養,剛好吸收、沒有負擔。

所謂的負擔,不只是避免對皮膚、身體有害的化學物質;GROWN ALCHEMIST也同時在綠色環保上付出具體行動,拒絕動物測試,採用簡約優雅的設計,以玻璃與其他容易回收再生的材料為包裝,讓環境和我們的肌膚一樣受到同等重視。

這次回台灣時直接鎖定GROWN ALCHEMIST的歲月修護系列品項,希望在邁入四十二歲之際,肌膚可以得到適當的呵護,讓皮膚吸收需要的成分。針對眼霜、精華液、保濕霜與晚安面膜等四項產品。往下接著讀,你也會瞭解GROWN ALCHEMIST值得讓人喜愛的原因。

GROWN ALCHEMIST, a beauty brand from Australia, is one of the essential skin care brands in my life. Based on science, GROWN ALCHEMIST uses organic ingredients and plant extracts to boost the skin self-repair system and promote skin metabolism, keeping skin healthy and natural. I believe that as long as the skin is healthy, it naturally exudes a fascinating glow. For me, such a skin care concept is the proper method and will not add a burden to the skin.

My so-called burden is not just to avoid chemicals that are harmful to the skin and the body. GROWN ALCHEMIST also pays attention to the environment. In addition to rejecting animal testing, the brand also uses a simple and elegant pack design, which is made of glass and other materials that are easy to recycle, so that the environment is treated with the same care as our skin.

When I returned to Taiwan a while ago, I have started directly with GROWN ALCHEMIST's age-repair products. I hope my skin will get the proper care. I ordered four products as following, Age-Repair Eye Cream: Tetra-Peptide & Centella, Age-Repair Serum Peptide-8 & E-2 Polysaccharide, Age-Repair Moisturiser: White Tea & Phyto-Peptide and Age-Repair Sleep Masque: Oligo-Peptide, Helix-Aspersa Protein, to get total care. Read on, and you will also understand why I recommend GROWN ALCHEMIST to you.



上回已經使用過 GROWN ALCHEMIST 的三效超抗氧淨化精華 Detox Serum Antioxidant+3 以及水潤修護日霜 Hydra-Repair Day Cream: Camellia & Geranium Blossom,細緻溫和不刺激的保養感受一直常留心中。這次直接入手歲月修護眼霜 Age-Repair Eye Cream: Tetra-Peptide & Centella。



I mentioned in the previous skincare articles, for new beauty brands that I have not tried, I usually try a hand cream or body lotion as an entry product firstly. If I like the quality and formula of the brand, then probably the eye cream is my next purchase product.

The formula of eye cream is generally refined. If it is a proper form, the repair result on the fine lines around the eyes will be noticeable. You feel the moisturizing after use; the most obvious moment is when you smile.

I have tried some skin care products of GROWN ALCHEMIST, for example, Detox Serum Antioxidant+3, Hydra-Repair Day Cream: Camellia & Geranium Blossom. The gentle and non-irritating feeling and experience have always been in my mind. This time, I would like to try the Age-Repair Eye Cream: Tetra-Peptide & Centella.

In the product description, this advanced eye cream formulated to improve the appearance of skin firmness and elasticity around the eye. It is noticeably reducing dark circles and puffiness under the eye while reducing the appearance of expression lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Apply a small amount to fingertips and dab gently around the eye area until absorbed.

It is perfect to use the Age-Repair Eye Cream in Asia, or the seasons of spring and summer in Germany. The texture of the eye cream is mild and not oily. It is also useful to apply the eye cream before your makeup; the foundation lasts longer because of its moisturizing. It is suitable for mature young woman, or mature women like me, to provide eye care with just proper moisturizing.


在研究了 GROWN ALCHEMIST 官網上的抗老產品後,十分期待歲月修護精華 Age-Repair Serum Peptide-8 & E-2 Polysaccharide 對肌膚所能提供的平滑豐滿感受。在以眼霜按摩完眼部四周之後,再以需求與塗抹的範圍擠出合適的用量(約是壓蓋一次按壓到底的量),以指腹在眉心(額頭)、眼下、眼尾、與鼻翼兩側的法令紋、與嘴唇四周各點上精華液,然後同樣以無名指指腹給予重點式按摩。




As a human being, we will slowly age over time, which is normal. For me, it is more important to keep a healthy state of spirit and body and live a happy life. Also, with proper anti-aging products to slow down the aging, so our appearance is young as our mood. It is my proper way to nourish life.

After studying the anti-aging products on the GROWN ALCHEMIST website, I was looking forward to the effect of Age-Repair Serum Peptide-8 & E-2 Polysaccharide. Apply a small amount to fingertips and dab gently on the areas, forehead, under the eyes, and the smile folds.

Then, take an appropriate amount and apply it to the neck, back neck, and chest, and give a gentle massage. In addition to the face and hands, women must also pay attention to neck care. So regardless of what kind of skin care products I apply, I must not forget to consider the neck at the same time.

Naturally, it is impossible to erase wrinkles. In my experience, applying eye cream or anti-aging essence can slow down the chance and speed of wrinkles. I hope that I look young and active, so intensive skin care is indispensable.

I take the Age-Repair Serum Peptide-8 & E-2 Polysaccharide as a part of my evening beauty routines. Using the sleep time, let the anti-aging ingredients slowly absorbed by the skin, thoroughly play the role of skin care.

當我將歲月修護保濕霜 Age-Repair Moisturiser: White Tea & Phyto-Peptide 點抹在臉上按摩時,最讓我喜愛的是保濕霜彈Q的質地。不誇張,那種細微豐盈的彈性光是指尖就可以感受的到。




When I apply Age-Repair Moisturiser: White Tea & Phyto-Peptide on my face and massage, what I love most is the elastic texture of the cream; even my fingertips can feel it.

An advanced moisturizer formulated with bioactive Phyto-Peptides that noticeably restore and visibly reduce the depth and appearance of wrinkles. Bioactive Phyto-Amino acid Peptides leave the skin looking smooth and noticeably more even toned. Antioxidant Asta-Xanthin from Cranberry, a rich source of Vitamin E, leaves the complexion looking radiant.

Apply with smooth, upward and outward motions, working from the center of the face, neck, and décolletage. Gently press in to enhance absorption and hydration.

In addition to suitable for ladies and mature women, it is also ideal for dry skin to enhance moisturizing and rejuvenating. Of course, it is also recommended for mothers who often do not have time for maintaining; the Age-Repair Moisturiser can complete the most basic care.

歲月修護晚安面膜 Age-Repair Sleep Masque: Oligo-Peptide, Helix-Aspersa Protein 當中含有螺旋蝸牛蛋白,富有超級營養素,可以刺激膠原蛋白合成、更新皮膚,增加水合作用。如此一來,在連續使用後可以感到臉部肌膚光滑、細紋淡少。



Helix-Aspersa a potent snail extract with Copper Peptides and super nutrients - Hyaluronic Acid, Glycoprotein Enzymes, Proteoglycans, and Muco-Polysaccharides; stimulate collagen synthesis and skin renewal is increasing hydration levels, leaving facial skin feeling smooth and skin texture refined diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Apply to clean facial skin with smooth, upward and outward motions, working from the center of the face, neck, and décolletage. Gently press in to enhance absorption. It is ideally used overnight when the body is focused on repair, especially for skin in need of the optimum age-repair treatment.

It is noticeably restored and retexture facial skin reducing the depth and appearance of wrinkles on the next morning and leaving skin looking fresh. There is another tip for you, together with the Age-Repair Moisturiser, it improves the moisturizing effect. It is also a savior for travelers who suffer different climates in different countries while traveling.



這同時也是GROWN ALCHEMIST強調的三階段護膚步驟:先做好清潔讓毛孔呼吸,恢復水潤平衡。接著才能透過淨化讓皮膚重現晶透光澤,展現健康活力。最後,搭配先進科學提練的天然成分讓保養更完整。好好善待你的身體,你的外在狀態也會加倍地、正面地回饋在自己身上的。

I didn’t understand the true meaning of skin care when I was young. I not only had an unhealthy lifestyle, but even my nutrition was not proper. Besides, when I was young, I had no budget to buy skin care products. My skin that I should have taken care of was late for many years to get the attention I deserved. I should save wasting costs and carefully choose the appropriate skin care products so that I could get better and healthier skin than now.

These years of skin care experience let me understand, pick the right products, and treat your skin with the appropriate ingredients is the best way for your skin. Spend some minutes to cleanse your skin and massage your face with your handsand take good care of it.

It is also the three skin care steps highlighted by GROWN ALCHEMIST: clean the skin and restore a moisturizing balance. Then, through the purifying to leave the skin looking smooth and the complexion looking radiant. Lastly, let the natural ingredients refined by advanced science to complete the care routine. Treat yourself well, and it will be rewarded on your own.

This post was written in cooperation with 10/10 HOPE for Grown Alchemist. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.