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BONDI WASH - Natural Home Cleaners With Scent




收到10/10 HOPE寄來的澳洲品牌BONDI WASH三款居家清潔劑之後,徹底推翻了對天然成分清潔劑的刻板印象:原來天然有機的層次可以往上提升,讓清潔劑這麼好聞呢。

Since I settle in Germany, I have slowly learned about environmental protection, organic, recycling and reuse, and implemented these slogans into daily life. When I first became a housewife, for me, the most important thing for home cleaners was the "cleansing power."

A few years ago, one day, my the other half came back home with a full shopping bag and introduced me to the purchased products: "These are natural ingredients cleaners, for the kitchen, bathroom, and the laundry. Give it a try." I was grateful, and I appreciated that he also wanted to protect my hands with natural cleansers. "Although the natural products are good for your hands, they are also good for the environment. These cleansers are not harmful to nature after they are discharged into the sewer." He looked at me with a joking look. You can see that I didn't have any idea of environmental protection at the beginning.

Since then, all house cleaners at home have been replaced with organic products. Also, in recent years, we have gradually found natural beauty care products, and the old ones have all been replaced one by one. However, although these found brands have the concept of sustainable environmental protection, the cleansing power is also indisputable; but most of them are boring in the scent.

After receiving three cleaning products of BONDI WASH from 10/10 HOPE, I completely changed the inherent impression of natural ingredients cleaners: the natural and organic products can be improved, so that they smell so good.

家裡餐餐洗碗,所以這罐「檸檬茶樹 & 柑橘碗盤清潔液03」首先登場拿出來使用。先把流理台旁舊的洗碗精填充罐洗乾淨收進櫥櫃,放上新的BONDI WASH;透明包裝與優雅瓶身設計頓時讓廚房的小角落變得優雅。特別叮嚀另一半與女兒,這罐碗盤清潔液濃度高、品質好,每次洗碗擠一點點就足夠。


At home, we cook and wash dishes three times a day, so I try the "Dish Wash Lemon Tea Tree & Mandarin 03" first. I cleaned the old dishwashing bottle and placed it into the cabinet, and then set the new BONDI WASH. The transparent packaging and the elegant bottle design make the small corner of the kitchen beautiful. I reminded the other half and my daughter that the BONDI WASH dishwashing has a high concentration and good quality; it is enough to squeeze a little bit each time.

Usually, I wash the dishes, and my husband wipes the dishes. But before we switch off the light in the kitchen, he is responsible for washing and cleaning the rest of all glasses and plates. After changing the new BONDI WASH for a few days, I asked how he feels. "It’s good to smell. Whenever I wash the dishes, I want to take a deep breath. After washing, my hands won’t get dry or rough as before. And, just a little bit is enough; at first I thought you were stingy. " He never misses an opportunity to joke with me. However, my experience is the same as his; when I use the BONDI WASH, I feel that washing dishes is enjoyable, and it seems to upgrade the position of a housewife to a premium level.

「優雅又不造作」是我對BONDI WASH在視覺上的第一印象,品牌所設計的香芬層次也有一樣的高格調;這些是以前無論如何都無法想像的。這罐多功能清潔噴霧在使用過後,所留下的芬芳竟然像高級空氣噴霧或香水一樣宜人;讓人總是想抓著罐子這裡噴一噴、抹一抹,那裡也順手擦一擦。

噴頭設計輕巧,先讓我拿來擦臥室窗台、化妝檯面還有衣櫃門板。成分中含有雪梨薄荷、迷迭香、杜松、甜橙等配方,是中性帶有大地氣息的設計。擦完地板後,「整個臥室散發著禪味」是另一半當天晚上跟我形容的。如10/10 HOPE 在產品頁面上的介紹:可以在任何堅硬平滑的表面上使用,像是人造石材、木材、水泥、磁磚大理石等等。浴室的洗手檯面、窗檯、木頭櫃子面板、烹飪檯面等,都以這罐萬用清潔劑搞定;而且,終於有一罐天然清潔劑讓女兒不再皺眉頭了。

Elegant is my first impression of BONDI WASH. The fragrance level designed by the brand also has the same great form; these are things I could not imagine before. After using this "Bench Spray Sydney Peppermint & Rosemary 02", the fragrance is as pleasant as a high-grade air spray or perfume. It makes me always want to hold the bottle to spray and clean at home.

The nozzle design is handy; I first used to wipe the windowsills in the bedrooms, my beauty desk and wardrobe doors. The ingredients have such as Sydney Peppermint, Rosemary, Juniper, and Sweet Orange; it is a neutral, earthy design. After wiping the floor, "the whole bedroom exudes a Zen taste" was how my husband described to me. Such as BONDI WASH introduces on the product page: Can be used on all types of surfaces including most fabrics. I clean the bathroom countertops, windowsills, wood cabinet panels, cooking areas, etc. with this Bench Spray. Finally, a bottle of natural cleanser keeps my daughter from frowning when I clean.

「雪梨薄荷& 迷迭香地板清潔液」最後才使用,是因為在清潔方式上習慣的不同。使用說明上寫著:使用約一瓶蓋口的份量與一桶水調合。不過我習慣以噴灑的方式清潔,再以濕抹布擦拭抹淨。所以買了小罐的噴灑填充罐,以「約一瓶蓋口的份量」與「150cc過濾水」混合,當成是隨手地板清潔液,就放在廚房下方收納櫃,煮完飯之後可以隨手擦拭濺在地板上的油水,每次只花十幾秒時間,廚房永遠都乾乾淨淨,而且還很香,是有禪味的廚房呢。



"Floor Wash Sydney Peppermint & Rosemary" was the last bottle I started to use because of the different habits of cleaning. The instruction shows: Use a portion of the lid to blend with a bucket of water. However, I am used to cleaning by spraying, and then wipe it with a wet rag. So I bought a small spray-refilled bottle and mixed a portion of the lid with 150cc filtered water and use it as a handy floor cleaner. I place it in the storage cabinet under the kitchen counter. I wipe the floor after cooking. The kitchen is always clean and fragrant; it is a kitchen with a Zen flavor.

I also clean the floor in the bathroom with this mixed bottle after vacuuming the apartment. In the morning light, the dark tiles in the bathroom are shining, which is the biggest achievement as a housewife.

This blending amount (mixed with 150cc of filtered water in a portion of the lid) can be used in about one week and then refilled. It is efficient for me to clean. I recommend this idea for you.

「塔斯曼尼亞胡椒& 薰衣草洗衣精」是我私心下次想入手的,可以想像胡椒與薰衣草調配的和諧感,在每次套上乾爽的衣物時的好心情。另外「佛陀木& 黑醋栗」系列中的潤唇膏與澄淨晚霜也引起我的好奇。產品介紹這麼寫著:「陀木精油擁有極佳淨化功效,其雋永的木質基調伴隨著黑醋栗和歐芹的清新,並帶著一絲羅馬洋甘菊和伊蘭的氣息,留下細膩馥郁的恬靜香氛。」閱讀這段文字後,是不是也覺得抹上澄淨晚霜之後就能一覺好眠了?下次入手,再與你分享。

這次體驗BONDI WASH居家清潔系列三項產品之後,再次深深體會一個品牌的用心與心意。同時也提醒著自己,儘管是挽起袖口拿著抹布,也要(也可以)保持優雅的心情與姿態呢。

"Laundry Wash Tasmanian Pepper & Lavender" is on my wish list. I can imagine the harmony between pepper and lavender, and a good mood when I put on clothes every time. Also, the Lip Balm and Purifying Night Balm in the "Buddhawood & Blackcurrant" series also caused my interest. After reading the product description on the website, I felt like I can sleep well after applying the Purifying Night Balm. I will share with you next time.

After experiencing the three products of the BONDI WASH home cleaning series, I once again deeply realized the intention and spirit of a brand. At the same time, I also remind myself that I must (can) maintain an elegant mood and attitude while doing the housekeeping.

This post was written in cooperation with 10/10 HOPE for BONDI WASH. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.