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absolution Concentrated Serum



收到 10/10 HOPE 的編輯寄來關於「absolution 激活安瓶」第一手消息的時候,便十分期待產品針對不同肌膚狀況所提供的保養效果。激活安瓶一共有五種不同訴求,這次入手的是其中三種,分別是:拉提激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster、澎潤激活安瓶 The Superfood Booster 以及淨化激活安瓶 The Purifying Booster。


When I was a child, a hair care brand just launched a new shampoo which was two-in-one, it combined shampoo and condition. Every woman was fascinated by it. The new shampoo saved a lot of time for washing hair. I remember how I secretly mixed half of shampoo and condition. You may be able to think about how my parents taught me.

However, nowadays, we pursue a more precise approach to the efficiency and effectiveness. We invest time and energy on the "right" things. Everyone wanted to be "quick", but now we are looking for "personal", "special" and "good."

When I received the news from the editor of 10/10 HOPE about the "absolution Concentrated Serum sets", I was very looking forward to the effect of the products on different skin conditions. There are five different serums, and I received three of them: The Lifting Booster, The Superfood Booster, and The Purifying Booster.

I am getting older and already in the stage of maturity. My skin condition is getting complicated than before. It is not enough if I only use a toner and a face cream. Therefore, I am careful about selecting the right products to offer proper nutrition for my skin at this stage.


當我看到拉提激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster 的訴求為:用於重新定義面部輪廓、緊緻、補水和撫平皮膚以及改善皮膚彈性和緊緻的皮膚、立即提亮肌膚這些保養重點時,立刻把這罐提拉激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster 加入入手名單中。

收到安瓶是在抵達台灣的第三天,因為時差、飲食,以及氣候的影響,皮膚乾燥而出現細紋。尤其是在睡眠不足的情況下,整張臉看來浮腫、氣色也不好。在保養品的分享上,我習慣先使用一段時間後才介紹,可是提拉激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster 在連續使用幾天後的早上,已經有明顯的效果,尤其是在撫平肌膚與改善皮膚彈性這兩大訴求上,更是讓我滿意。

使用提拉激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster 時,我以手指指腹輕輕地往上提拉按摩,溫和地將安瓶中的保養成分推入肌膚當中,避免過度按摩造成不當拉扯,反而增生更多細紋。同時,絕對不忘記脖子的部分;以逆地心引力的方向往上推入精華液,讓脖子一起緊實,避免抬頭低頭動作提早引起過多脖紋。我推薦提拉激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster 給輕熟女與熟女使用,絕對可以期待隔天起床之後肌膚的蛻變。

When selecting skin care products, lifting and tightening are the points that I am concerned about now. A few years ago, when I was nearly forty years old, I slowly felt the loss of collagen, especially on my face. Although the shape of my face is thinner than before, it was loose and inelastic. What is missing is the moisturizing feeling of the young skin.

When I read the effect of The Lifting Booster, it was "used to redefine facial contours, tighten, moisturize and smooth the skin", "improve skin elasticity and immediately brighten the skin" these two major priorities, I immediately added the serum to the order list.

On the third day of my arrival in Taiwan, I received the parcel of the serums. Because of the impact of jet lag, food, and weather condition, my skin got dry and appeared fine lines. Especially in the case of lacking sleep, my face was puffed, and I looked ill. In the sharing of skin care products, I used to experience it for a while before I introduce it. However, some days after continuing to use the serums, I realized noticeable effects, my skin is more smooth.

When using The Lifting Booster, I gently massage my face with the fingertips, tenderly let the ingredients into the skin without any rough movement. Moreover, never forget my neck; apply the serum with upward smoothing strokes. The Lifting Booster is recommended for mature young women and mature women. You can expect the skin to change after getting up the next day.

近年來,Superfood 這一詞不僅在美食界紅得響亮,同時也在各個領域成為加分、注入元氣的關鍵字。進入熟齡的年紀後,往往在素顏時看來疲憊、顯得蠟黃,肌膚少了光澤度、氣色也不如以往。雖然我很嚮往女人隨著年齡與生活經驗而顯露出幽雅與睿智的儀態,但是如果能在外表上充滿朝氣,也能看來更有活力。

如果光要說澎潤激活安瓶 The Superfood Booster 單獨的顯著效果對我來有困難度。因為,晚上保養時,我使用的是提拉激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster ,而白天則以澎潤激活安瓶 The Superfood Booster 來開啟一天。在兩罐不同訴求的激活安瓶加強下,連續使用幾天後,以雙手輕撫肌膚就有完全不同的觸感,指腹可以感受到肌膚紋理變得較為柔嫩。因為時差作息等生活因素變動而產生的肌膚問題都迎刃而解,而且更顯潤澤。

台灣的氣候(潮濕悶熱)與生活環境(室內空調)容易讓肌膚外油內乾,absolution 針對不同保養訴求提供的配方,可以更有效率地實現我們對完美肌膚的渴望。

In recent years, the term Superfood has not only become popular in the food industry but has also become a keyword for extra points and inspiration in various fields. After entering the age of maturity, women tend to look tired and sallow without makeup, and the skin is no more glow as before. Although I aspire to women's elegant and wise manners with age and life experience, women can look gorgeous if we keep our appearance fresh.

It would be difficult for me to tell the significant effect of The Superfood Booster. In the evening, I use The Lifting Booster, and in the morning, I start the day with The Superfood Booster. After several days using the two bottles of differently activated serum, my skin has an entirely different feeling. My fingertips can feel the skin texture becomes softer. Some skin problems were solved, and the skin is more moisturized.

The weather (damp and sultry) and living environment (indoor air conditioning) in Taiwan can easily cause many skin problems. Absolution's formula for different requirements can achieve our desire for perfect skin effectively.

這些年身體的循環代謝比較緩慢,臉部肌膚的更新也是;因為飲食作息或是生理期而增生的粉刺、面皰需要更久的時間才能消退,留下的疤痕也越加明顯。所以特意入手淨化激活安瓶 The Purifying Booster,不僅在需要時刻可以加強修護;平日保養時,也針對容易發炎紅腫的部位,比如鼻翼與下巴兩處達到淨化、鎮定與修護的效果。

抵達台灣前兩天,因為潮濕悶熱的空氣,臉上開始冒出小粉刺,一拿到淨化激活安瓶 The Purifying Booster 之後,分別在睡前與早晨上妝之前塗抹在重點部位。淨化激活安瓶 The Purifying Booster 精華液的顏色為淡淡的棕色,含有淨化、修復皮膚的成分,同時促進肌膚新陳代謝。使用之後,面對突發的肌膚問題也讓人更安心了。

In these years, my circulation metabolism is relatively slower; it takes a longer time to solve some skin problems, such as acne and pimples. Therefore, I ordered The Purifying Booster. The serum aims at purifying, calming and repairing, especially on the parts of the nose and chin.

In the first two days of arriving in Taiwan, because of the damp and sultry air, small acne began to appear on my face. Once I have received the serums, I applied The Purifying Booster to the key parts before going to bed and before the makeup in the morning. The Purifying Booster is a light brown color that contains ingredients which purify and repair the skin while promoting skin metabolism. Now, I feel more reassured when facing unexpected skin problems.

日安乳霜 La Crème du Jour


就是 10/10 HOPE 網頁上這段話吸引我的注意;散發自然光采成為我這兩年不管是在保養或是妝容上的最大訴求。每個人都會隨著年齡慢慢成熟、變老,不過,以自然的方法減緩老化的速度、呈現出自然的魅力與光采,是我希望呈現的模樣。

日安乳霜La Crème du Jour 質地細緻,有很好的保濕滋潤效果;塗抹之後迅速吸收,呈現的是霧面的膚質感。這幾天在台灣使用,感受到油水平衡的均勻效果,即使一整天在外奔波,雙頰也不會因為空調而顯的乾燥、T 字部位也沒有明顯的油光。

最讓我喜愛的除了使用感受外,就是日安乳霜La Crème du Jour 的瓶身設計。通常面霜都會附有一個小湯匙,避免沾取面霜時手上的濕氣影響了面霜的新鮮度與乾淨度。不過小湯匙總是比較不方便,往往懶得使用。日安乳霜La Crème du Jour 以按壓設計解決了這個困擾,不僅使用方便,就連旅行時也可以方便攜帶,的確是讓人喜愛的聰明細節。

A preventive, corrective, complete anti-aging cream. Offering protective, energizing and regenerating benefits, it provides the skin with all the nutrients it needs to function at its best and stay well-balanced. The whipped-cream texture sinks in immediately, leaving nothing behind but a matte, velvety finish. What better way to start the day?

That is, this passage on the absolution website attracted my attention; "stay well-balanced" became my biggest focus in terms of skin care in the past years. Everyone will get older with age but work on a natural way to slow down the aging, showing the natural charm is what I hope to present now.

The day cream, La Crème du Jour has a fine texture and an excellent moisturizing effect. After applying, it is quickly absorbed by the skin and show a matte surface. When I used the cream in Taiwan, I felt the effect of oil-water balance. Even if I went around the whole day, my cheeks would not be dry due to air conditioning, and the T-zone was not oily.

In addition to the texture of the cream, I also like the design of the bottle. Usually, a cream comes with a small spoon to dig the cream and to keep the cream fresh and clean. However, it is inconvenient to use a small spoon, and I am often too lazy to use. The dispenser design solves this problem. It is not only easy to use but also easy to carry when traveling. It is indeed a smart detail.

晚安活膚乳霜 La Crème du Soir

其實入手三組不同訴求的激活安瓶與日安乳霜La Crème du Jour 時,並沒有同時訂晚安活膚乳霜La Crème du Soir,而是在使用日安乳霜La Crème du Jour 幾天之後,因為太喜歡日霜的質地,所以自己另外訂購晚安活膚乳霜La Crème du Soir。


晚安活膚乳霜La Crème du Soir 有柔軟肌膚的功效,可維持水分與柔嫩。成分當中的摩洛哥堅果油可減緩肌膚老化的速度,維持年輕狀態,並有保濕豐盈的效果。

撰寫文章、分享使用感受同時,其實很難將所有產品的效果分開來分享,因為幾乎是同時間開始使用這五罐產品,針對不同需求提供養分與滋潤。尤其是激活安瓶,因為替換使用的感受真的很明顯,因此很期待早上、晚上分別使用澎潤激活安瓶 The Superfood Booster 與提拉激活安瓶 The Lifting Booster ,樂此不疲。甚至將澎潤激活安瓶 The Superfood Booster 帶著一起上飛機,不忘適時提供保濕、安撫長途旅行時疲憊的肌膚。

When I ordered the three serums and the day Cream, La Crème du Jour, I did not order the Evening Cream, La Crème du Soir at the same time. I first used the day Cream for a few days, and I like the texture of the cream so much, then I ordered it some days later.

After I settled in Germany, I always replace skin care products when the seasons change. Even I use different skin care products for the day and night. I select skin care products depending on my skin condition and problems to achieve better results.

The evening cream, La Crème du Soir keeps skin soft and maintains moisture and tenderness. The argan oil in the ingredients slows down the aging, maintains a youthful state, and has a moisturizing effect.

While writing this article and sharing the feelings of use, it is actually difficult to describe the effects of all products separately because I started using all the products almost at the same time. Especially the serums, the impact of using is obvious. I enjoy using The Superfood Booster and The Lifting Booster in the morning and evening. Even bring The Superfood Booster on the plane, and provide moisturizing and comfort my tired skin during long-distance travel.


As a woman who has a job, and also being a mother and wife, I try my best to accomplish what I want to do and the responsibilities while enjoying the process. Despite some disappointing moments, I don't forget to remind myself that the happenings in life can be a nutrient to let us grow. When we put down the burden on the shoulders, we can relax a while, and choose the right and proper beauty care products according to the lifestyle. Not only refreshing the spirit but also investing the same care for the external figures.

This post was written in cooperation with 10/10 HOPE for absulotion. Even though, we give our own opinion uninfluenced. We had full rein over text and content of this article.