finding My Paris 2014


此篇finding My系列重回巴黎,彼時為二〇一四,為時裝週。那階段執著器材,認為以高階相機拍攝即可捕捉美妙片刻。行走於街,亦對手中看似威猛相機沾沾自喜。當然,諸多人事物都得事過境遷才知曉明白。機身為Nikon D800,搭配50mm f1.4。那時只覺影像鬆軟,卻使不上力,尚未體會此焦段魅力,已先然放棄。十年後,以Seven-Photo Collection練習,始慢慢體會箇中細膩。然,如同檢視其他finding My系列,仍可從中得到溫暖,看見當初那個雄心壯志的(較)年輕女孩,以及這些年來她的歷程。

Returning to Paris in this installment of the “finding My" series, it was the year 2014, during Fashion Week. At that time, I was fixated on equipment, convinced that only a high-end camera could capture those moments of beauty. As I walked the streets, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my seemingly powerful camera. Of course, many things need time and experience to truly understand. I was using a Nikon D800 with a 50mm f1.4 lens. Back then, I felt the images were lacking in sharpness, unable to convey the impact I desired. I hadn't yet grasped the allure of this focal length and soon gave up.

A decade later, through the Seven-Photo Collection, I've gradually come to appreciate its subtleties. Nonetheless, revisiting other installments of the "finding My" series still fills me with warmth, allowing me to see the ambitious (relatively) young girl I once was and the journey she has undertaken over the years.


此紀錄影像以 Urban Lifestyle Preset 中 PAINTING 此款設計後製。欲了解更多風格濾鏡設計細節,請點擊下方按鈕。

The image collection is edited with the “PAINTING” design from the Urban Lifestyle Preset. To explore more details, please click the button below.


Ulm, Germany


Praha 2017 Shot On iPhone